
  1. La noche en que Frankenstein leyó el Quijote: La vida secreta de los libros Santiago Posteguillo
  2. Una guía sobre el arte de perderse Rebecca Solnit
  3. Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow Yuval Noah Harari
  4. El síndrome de la impostora: ¿Por qué las mujeres siguen sin creer en ellas mismas? Elisabeth Cadoche y Anne de Montarlot
  5. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari
  6. El conflicto palestino-israelí: 100 preguntas y respuestas Pedro Brieger
  7. Locos por los clásicos: Todo lo que debes saber sobre los grandes autores de Grecia y Roma Emilio del Río
  8. Esta vida Martin Hägglund
  9. A Very Large Expanse of Sea Tahereh Mafi
  10. Matar a un ruisenor (To Kill a Mockingbird - Spanish Edition) Harper Lee
  11. Las seis hormonas que van a revolucionar tu vida: Dopamina, oxitocina, serotonina, cortisol, endorfinas, testosterona David JP Phillips
  12. Tierra de mujeres: Una mirada íntima y familiar al mundo rural María Sánchez
  13. Nexus Yuval Noah Harari
  14. Píldoras culturales: Un universo de cultura en 200 pequeñas dosis Martín Escolar
  15. Cambie su mundo: Todos pueden marcar una diferencia sin importar dónde estén John C. Maxwell
  16. The Blue Zones Solution: by Dan Buettner | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review (Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People): Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People IRB Media
  17. Public Executions: From Ancient Rome to the Present Day Nigel Cawthorne
  18. The Dark Years?: Philosophy, Politics, and the Problem of Predictions Jacob L. Goodson
  19. African Women and the Shame and Pain of Infertility: An Ethico-cultural Study of Christian Response to Childlessness among the Igbo People of West Africa Damasus C. Okoro
  20. A Magnificent Work Daniel Oudshoorn
  21. Derecho Moderno y Cambio Social: Un Análisis Inspirado en Gramsci Edmundo Lima de Arruda Junior
  22. Needs Unseen: Bridging Hierarchies to Heal Youth Thalassa Rayne
  23. The Human Condition: Second Edition Hannah Arendt
  24. The Tragedy of Heterosexuality Jane Ward
  25. My Name Is: Is Your Name a Gift or a Burden? Dr Javeria K. Shah PhD, SFHEA
  26. Miradas prospectivas desde el bicentenario: Reflexiones sobre el desarrollo humano en el devenir de doscientos años Fabio Orlando Neira Sánchez
  27. Tri-level Identity Crisis: Children of First-Generation Immigrants Various authors
  28. Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive Bruce Schneier
  29. En busca de la sensatez en medicina Alberto Agrest
  30. Articulate: A Deaf Memoir of Voice Rachel Renee Kolb
  31. L'infiltrat: Estratègies d'intrusió, anonimat i resistència Lluís Calvo Guardiola
  32. Universidad y salud mental: Para leer en caso de emergencia Claudia Araya Silva
  33. Inheritocracy: It's Time to Talk About the Bank of Mum and Dad Eliza Filby
  34. The Caesars Palace Coup: How a Billionaire Brawl Over the Famous Casino Exposed the Corruption of the Private Equity Industry Max Frumes
  35. A Measure of Intelligence: One Mother's Reckoning with the IQ Test Pepper Stetler
  36. Lethal Force: The True Toll of Police Shootings in America The Washington Post
  37. The Big 100: The New World of Super-Aging William J. Kole
  38. Fragile Bully: Understanding Our Destructive Affair with Narcissism in the Age of Trump Laurie Helgoe
  39. The Washington Post Pulitzers: National Reporting, Carol Leonnig Carol Leonnig
  40. The 10,000,000 Dollar Getaway: The Inside Story of the Lufthansa Heist Doug Feiden
  41. The Descent of Man Charles Darwin
  42. The Threatened Net: How the Web Became a Perilous Place The Washington Post
  43. The City: A Global History Joel Kotkin
  44. Falacias de la justicia social: El idealismo de la agenda social frente a la realidad de los hechos Thomas Sowell
  45. In the Name of the People Liaisons
  46. Black Fatigue: How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit Mary-Frances Winters
  47. Water Mirror Echo: Bruce Lee and the Making of Asian America Jeff Chang
  48. Living a Purposeful Life: Searching for Meaning in All the Wrong Places Kalman J. Kaplan
  49. The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design Roman Mars
  50. White Rose Kip Wilson