
  1. Sé imparable: La importancia de la persistencia para alcanzar el éxito Alden Mills
  2. Driving the Future Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Electric Vehicles and Hybrid & Electric Vehicles Eric MacAllister
  3. Tuning to Win Ian Pinnell
  4. Wind Strategy David Houghton
  5. East Coast Rivers Cruising Companion: A Yachtsman's Pilot and Cruising Guide to the Waters from Lowestoft to Ramsgate Janet Harber
  6. Sea Trial: Sailing After My Father Brian Harvey
  7. Navegando en patín a vela Ricard Pedreira Font
  8. Sail: A tribute to the world's greatest races, sailors and their boats Timothy Jeffery
  9. Sailing Made Easy and Comfort in Small Craft S. J. Housley
  10. Moby Dick Herman Melville
  11. RYA Start Sailing (A-G3) Royal Yachting Association
  12. RYA Advanced Sailing (A-G12) Royal Yachting Association
  13. A Steady Trade: A Boyhood at Sea Tristan Jones
  14. Ice! Tristan Jones
  15. Lost!: A Harrowing True Story of Disaster at Sea Thomas Thompson
  16. Saga of a Wayward Sailor Tristan Jones
  17. Seagulls in My Soup Tristan Jones
  18. The Incredible Voyage Tristan Jones
  19. Somewheres East of Suez Tristan Jones
  20. Encounters of a Wayward Sailor Tristan Jones
  21. Outward Leg Tristan Jones
  22. The Improbable Voyage Tristan Jones
  23. The Billionaire and the Mechanic: How Larry Ellison and a Car Mechanic Teamed up to Win Sailing's Greatest Race, the Americas Cup, Twice Julian Guthrie
  24. Fisherman's Knots & Wrinkles W. A. Hunter
  25. The Race: The First Nonstop, Round-the-World, No-Holds-Barred Sailing Competition Tim Zimmermann
  26. The Lonely Voyage: A thrilling coming of age tale in a time of war Max Hennessy
  27. A Gipsy of the Horn - Life in a Deep-Sea Sailing Ship Rex Clements
  28. Rigged Justice: How the College Admissions Scandal Ruined an Innocent Man’s Life John Vandemoer
  29. Sea, Sun & Taraipo: Millionaires in Time John Jameson
  30. A Sailor, A Chicken, An Incredible Voyage: The Seafaring Adventures of Guirec and Monique Guirec Soudée
  31. Maiden Voyage Tania Aebi
  32. Glory B!: 1000 Miles of Mishaps and Miracles Dave Graham
  33. Capitan Dodero Anton Giulio Barrili
  34. Sea Salt: Recipes from the West Coast Galley Lorna Malone
  35. Soul of the Hurricane: The Perfect Storm and an Accidental Sailor Nelson Simon
  36. How to Make Knots, Bends and Splices: As Used at Sea Tyrrel E. Biddle
  37. Long Lost Log: Diary of a Virgin Sailor Michael Chapman Pincher
  38. RYA National Sailing Scheme Instructor Handbook (A-G14): The Essential Book for Both Experienced and New RYA Instructors Royal Yachting Association
  39. Never Say P*g: The Book of Sailors' Superstitions R. Bruce Macdonald
  40. RYA International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (A-G2): A Clear and Authoritative Explanation of the COLREGS Melanie Bartlett
  41. Wavewalker: Breaking Free Suzanne Heywood
  42. Practical Boat-Sailing: A Concise and Simple Treatise Douglas Frazar
  43. The Seaman's Friend: Containing a treatise on practical seamanship, with plates, a dictionary of sea terms, customs and usages of the merchant service Richard Henry Dana
  44. On Yacht Sailing: A Simple Treatise for Beginners upon the Art of Handling Small Yachts and Boats Thomas Fleming Day
  45. Cómo hacer los nudos Alessandro Salmeri
  46. Curso de vela Gabriele Botta
  47. Diccionario marítimo cuadrilingüe Español - Inglés - Francés - Italiano Jean-Luc Garnier
  48. Hints to Young Yacht Skippers Thomas Fleming Day
  49. Storia dei grandi viaggiatori Jules Verne
  50. Sailing For Dummies J. J. Fetter