The Last Letter: A Father's Struggle, a Daughter's Quest, and the Long Shadow of the Holocaust Karen Baum Gordon
Y los archivos guardaron sus voces: Fragmentos de historias de refugio: Polacos, católicos y judíos bajo la protección chilena (Italia, 1941-1943) Judith Riquelme
Summary and Analysis of The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story: Based on the Book by Diane Ackerman Worth Books
World of Our Fathers: The Journey of the East European Jews to America and the Life They Found and Made Irving Howe
Mission Accomplished: The Engaging Memoir of a Czech Fighter Pilot Flying for Britain in World War Two Frank Mares4
Lie in the Dark and Listen: The Remarkable Expliots of a WWII Bomber Pilot and Great Escaper Ken Rees