
  1. El peso del silencio Jordi Sierra i Fabra
  2. Historia mínima de Chile Rafael Sagredo Baeza
  3. Salt & Silver: Travel, Surf, Cook Johannes Riffelmacher
  4. Vegan Mexico: Soul-Satisfying Regional Recipes from Tamales to Tostadas Jason Wyrick
  5. Salt & Silver: Travel, Surf, Cook Johannes Riffelmacher
  6. La sociedad del salitre: protagonistas, migraciones, cultura urbana y espacios públicos Sergio González
  7. The River Home: An Angler's Explorations Jerry Dennis
  8. Las novias Fernando Enrique Gilabert Bustos
  9. Backyard Beekeeping: Everything You Need to Know to Start Your First Hive David Burns
  10. Chile Orgánico Márcio Pereira
  11. El Murmullo de los Perdidos Alejandra Díaz
  12. Prat. Agente secreto en Buenos Aires. 1878: la guerra que no fue Piero Castagneto
  13. La orgía de la tolerancia y otras obras teatrales Jan Fabre
  14. Chile esencial: turismo y chilenidad Juan José Ferreira
  15. Chilean Spanish for Travel: A Simple Guide To The Spanish Dialect of Chile for Tourists Catalina Silva Munoz
  16. Los húsares trágicos 1 Jorge Inostrosa
  17. Los húsares trágicos 2 Jorge Inostrosa
  18. Los húsares trágicos 3 Jorge Inostrosa
  19. Birrias: 65 Recipes from Traditional to Modern Jesse Valenciana
  20. Selected Poetry, 1937–1990 João Melo
  21. Soon and Wholly: Poems Idra Novey
  22. Chile: Historical Revolution and Economic Development Anya Solace
  23. Mapuche Empire: The Defenders of Chile and Unconquered Warriors of South America Rolf Hedger
  24. Maya’s Notebook Isabel Allende
  25. Sharpe’s Devil: Napoleon and South America, 1820–1821 Bernard Cornwell
  26. Things That Grow Meredith Goldstein
  27. The Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence in South America: Containing travels in Arauco, Chile, Peru, and Colombia William Bennet Stevenson
  28. The Shmospels of Shmeiki: A Hilarious Journey of Self-Discovery The Om Shmeiki Healing Organization
  29. Literary Places Sarah Baxter
  30. Flavored Butters: How to Make Them, Shape Them, and Use Them as Spreads, Toppings, and Sauces Lucy Vaserfirer
  31. The Ultimate Tortilla Press Cookbook: 125 Recipes for All Kinds of Make-Your-Own Tortillas--and for Burritos, Enchiladas, Tacos, and More Dotty Griffith
  32. Race for Tomorrow: Survival, Innovation and Profit on the Front Lines of the Climate Crisis Simon Mundy
  33. Blue at the Mizzen Patrick O’Brian
  34. On Shaky Ground: America's Earthquake Alert John J. Nance
  35. Two Years Before the Mast Richard Henry Dana
  36. Assassination on Embassy Row John Dinges
  37. Andean Express Juan de Recacoechea
  38. My Tender Matador Pedro Lemebel
  39. Plunder of the Sun David Dodge
  40. El primer amor Alberto Blest Gana
  41. Juan de Aria Alberto Blest Gana
  42. El pago de las deudas Alberto Blest Gana
  43. La venganza Alberto Blest Gana
  44. English Electric Canberra: The History & Development of a Classic Jet Bruce Barrymore Halpenny
  45. Forgotten Continent: A History of the New Latin America Michael Reid
  46. The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability Peter Kornbluh
  47. From Cairo to Wall Street: Voices from the Global Spring
  48. Missing Tom Hauser
  49. The Condor Years: How Pinochet and His Allies Brought Terrorism to Three Continents John Dinges
  50. The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey Patrick O’Brian