Chance and willpower: Lives in France, Bigorre and the Americas from the seventeenth to the twentieth century Henri Cestia
Guía de viaje de Costa Rica: Aventuras fascinantes a través de lugares imperdibles, cultura local, monumentos, joyas ocultas y mucho más Captivating Travels
Che Guevara – Revolutionary Icon and Guerrilla Fighter: The Life and Legacy of Latin America’s Most Controversial Revolutionary David Morris
From Our Land to Our Land: Essays, Journeys, and Imaginings from a Native Xicanx Writer Luis J. Rodriguez4
The Quebec Connection: A Poetics of Solidarity in Global Francophone Literatures Julie-Françoise Tolliver
The Collapse of Venezuela: Scorched Earth Politics and Economic Decline, 2012–2020 Francisco Rodríguez
Christ & Caribbean Cultures: A Collection of Essays on Caribbean Christology and It's Pastoral Implications Gabriel Malzaire
Obras selectas de la celebre monja de Mejico, sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: Con precedidas de biografia y juicio crítico Juana Inés de la Cruz
Taíno Civilization: The Islanders Who First Encountered Columbus and the Caribbean's Lost Kingdoms Rolf Hedger