
  1. Yo, adicto: Un relato personal de dependencia y reconciliación Javier Giner
  2. Cuanta más gente se muere, más ganas de vivir tengo Maruja Torres
  3. En Auschwitz no había Prozac: 12 consejos de una superviviente para curar tus heridas y vivir en libertad Edith Eger
  4. 50 palos: ... y sigo soñando Pau Donés
  5. Primera sangre Amélie Nothomb
  6. Canción Eduardo Halfon
  7. El mundo de ayer: Memorias de un europeo Stefan Zweig
  8. Notes on Grief Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  9. Crying in H Mart: The Number One New York Times Bestseller Michelle Zauner
  10. Love Warrior Glennon Doyle
  11. El hombre más feliz del mundo: La extraordinaria vida de un superviviente de Auschwitz Eddie Jaku
  12. En todos los frentes Clarissa Ward
  13. On the Move: A Life Oliver Sacks
  14. La vida rota. Biografía de Amparo Muñoz Miguel Fernández
  15. Down the Drain Julia Fox
  16. La bailarina de Auschwitz: Una inspiradora historia de valentía y supervivencia Edith Eger
  17. La signora nel furgone Alan Bennett
  18. Bits and Pieces: My Mother, My Brother, and Me Whoopi Goldberg
  19. Sociopath: The Eye-opening True Story Everyone's Talking About Patric Gagne
  20. Just About Coping: A Real-Life Drama from the Psychotherapist's Chair Natalie Cawley
  21. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Annie Dillard
  22. My Good Bright Wolf: A Memoir Sarah Moss
  23. Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir Joe Layden
  24. Perra Marie-Pier Lafontaine
  25. Me acuerdo Georges Perec
  26. Siempre adelante: Memorias Valentí Fuster
  27. The Amazing Thing About the Way it Goes: Stories of Tidiness, Self-Esteem and Other Things I Gave Up On Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
  28. Summary of Melania Trump’s Melania IRB Media
  29. A Different Kind of Power Jacinda Ardern
  30. Love Lay Down Beside Me and We Wept Helen Murray Taylor
  31. What's So Bad About Being Poor?: Our Lives in the Shadows of the Poverty Experts Deborah M. Foster
  32. Última carta de Moscú Abrasha Rotenberg
  33. Last Letter from Moscow Abrasha Rotenberg
  34. The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls | Summary & Analysis IRB Media
  35. Primates of Park Avenue by Wednesday Martin | Summary & Analysis IRB Media
  36. FEARLESS Mohinder Amarnath
  37. Hope by Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus | Summary & Analysis: With Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland IRB Media
  38. Remember Me As Human: What Three Final Days With My Grandmother Wanda Taught Me About Truly Living Lucy Walsh
  39. Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man: "You can still die when the sun is shining." James Joyce
  40. I'm Here to Offend: An Inner Child's Unexpected Journey and Religious Critique Keith Sanks
  41. Martian Summer: My Ninety Days with Interplanetary Pioneers, Temperamental Robots, and NASA's Phoenix Mars Mission Andrew Kessler
  42. The Culinary Plagiarist: (Mis)Adventures of a Lusty, Thieving, God-Fearing Gourmand Jason Peters
  43. Souls at Risk: Extremism at Home in Red Scare Hollywood Nancy Vernon Kelly
  44. Stranded in Skin and Bones: Faith Within the Madness Robert Stofel
  45. Something’s Wrong: When Life Gives You Lyme—What’s Killing Me Could Be Killing You Too Lisa R. Church
  46. Table Scraps and Other Essays Juyanne James
  47. Eternal Love: Poems from the First 70 Years Lolita L. Jardeleza
  48. Hard Knocks: Memoir of a Small Moment Ray Lopez
  49. London Street: A Memoir Jane E. Griffioen
  50. A Magnificent Work Daniel Oudshoorn