1. Biografías breves - Jorge Luis Borges Luis Machado
  2. Asian/Other: Life, Poems, and the Problem of Memoir Vidyan Ravinthiran
  3. Mask Of Anarchy Percy Bysshe Shelley
  4. La parola della poesia: Da Leopardi ad Augusto Blotto Stefano Agosti
  5. Stars Around My Scars: The Annotated Poetry of Taylor Swift Elly McCausland
  6. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Omar Khayyam
  7. 84-19 Rhapsodies & co from I: Poems and Notes from a doctor Docteur Cybirdy
  8. Dante and His Divine Comedy Timothy B. Shutt
  9. The Song Maker - A Collection of Poems William Lyon Phelps
  10. Leaves of Grass: The Original 1855 Edition Walt Whitman
  11. Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire Percy Bysshe Shelley
  12. Robert Browning G.K. Chesterton
  13. Views and Reviews (1908) Henry James
  14. Las tierras del dolor. Yo jomú nu ú'ú Francisco Antonio León Cuervo
  15. A Heartfelt Reflection on the Tragedy From The Life of Cherry Muffin Diana Kristarium
  16. Kiss You Love Goodbye: a poetic journey through life Wendy Haller
  17. "Poeta en Nueva York" (Comentarios) Federico García Lorca
  18. The Art of Losing: Twelve Poems on Grief and Consolation M. Wynn Thomas
  19. Todo al vuelo Rubén Darío
  20. Multiforme y comprometido: Neruda después de 1956 Greg Dawes
  21. Entre gallos y medianoche Nelvis Haydée Ghelfi
  22. Acuarela Sinuosa Sofía Edith Panuncio
  23. El idiota: Una vida de Antonin Artaud Francisco Capalbo
  24. Portraits as Animal: Poems Victoriano Cárdenas
  25. In the Air: Essays on the Poetry of Peter Gizzi
  26. Endarkenment: Selected Poems Arkadii Dragomoshchenko
  27. The Public World/Syntactically Impermanence Leslie Scalapino
  28. Selected Poetry, 1937–1990 João Melo
  29. How Reading Is Written: A Brief Index to Gertrude Stein Astrid Lorange
  30. The House That Jack Built: The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer Jack Spicer
  31. American Poets in the 21st Century: Poetics of Social Engagement
  32. BAX 2020
  33. I Thought My Spirit & My Heart Were Tamed - Poems of Moods & Thoughts Amy Levy
  34. The American Satirist - The Witty Writings of Mark Twain Mark Twain
  35. In the Night I Dreamed of You - Poems of Love, Dreams, & Death Amy Levy
  36. Of Gentle Seasons Passing One by One - Poems of a Miscellaneous Nature Amy Levy
  37. Rome's Patron: The Lives and Afterlives of Maecenas Emily Gowers
  39. Leviathan Thomas Hobbes
  40. Essential Bukowski: Poetry Charles Bukowski
  41. Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman
  42. A London Plane-Tree - And Other Verse: With a Biography by Richard Garnett Amy Levy
  43. La imprecisa memoria Margarita Mejía
  44. Three Simple Lines: A Writer’s Pilgrimage into the Heart and Homeland of Haiku Natalie Goldberg
  45. Whose Name was Writ in Water - A Dedication to John Keats: A Dedication to John Keats Various
  46. Remembering Keats - Essays & Poetry in Dedication to the Romantic Poet: Essays & Poetry in Dedication to the Romantic Poet Various
  47. Soy la muchacha mala de la historia: Poemas de María Emilia Cornejo Pedro Casusol
  48. Heaven in a Wild Flower: The British Romantic Poets Adam Potkay
  49. Poetry Marathon: Pandemic Poetry Sophia Behal
  50. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: with Pearl and Sir Orfeo