#REMEDIOSPERRONES y #GATOSCONGOTAS: Guía práctica sobre el uso de los aceites esenciales en mascotas Rodrigo Aladro (doTERRINARIO)
A Handbook of Horse-Shoeing with Introductory Chapters on the Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse's Foot A. W. Dollar
How Stella Learned to Talk: The Groundbreaking Story of the World's First Talking Dog Christina Hunger4.7
Salud pública veterinaria: Bienestar de la humanidad: retos y tendencias en el siglo XXI para el sector agropecuario Luis Carlos Villamil Jiménez
Backyard Chickens For Beginners: A Practical Handbook To Raising chickens In A happy Backyard Flock, Choosing the Right Breed, Feeding and health Care Tom Lee
The Chicken Health Handbook, 2nd Edition: A Complete Guide to Maximizing Flock Health and Dealing with Disease Gail Damerow
British and Foreign Horses - A Comprehensive Guide to Equestrian Knowledge Including Breeds and Breeding, Health and Management Various
Small animal surgery: Surgery atlas, a step-by-step guide: Errors and complications in surgery José Rodriguez
The Forever Dog: A New Science Blueprint for Raising Healthy and Happy Canine Companions Karen Shaw Becker4
Entre amigos: Disparatadas aventuras y tiernas anécdotas entre animales, sus dueños y unos cuantos veterinarios Gonzalo Giner3.8
Everybody Hertz: The Amazing World of Frequency, from Bad Vibes to Good Vibrations Richard Mainwaring4
The Pig Farmer's Veterinary Book - A Complete Guide to the Farm Treatment and Control of Pig Diseases Norman Barron
The Battle Cry of the Siamese Kitten: Even More Tales from the Accidental Veterinarian Philipp Schott DVM4.5