Homilies and Reflections The word made Flesh: For the Catholic Liturgical Mass Readings (sundays, Weekdays and Feast Days) Catholic Sermons, Year a (cycle a)Catholic Common Prayers
Confession Book A Pocket Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation with God(How to Make a Good Catholic Confession with an Examination of Conscience): including the Secret of Confession for Freedom and ForgivenessCatholic Common Prayers
My Favorite Novena to the Holy Spirit With Daily Bible Reflections and MeditationsCatholic Common Prayers
The Catholic Scriptural Rosary: Praying the Rosary Mysteries (The Luminous Mysteries included) Contemplative Prayer Book with Bible Reflections and other Favorite Prayers to our Lady withCatholic Common Prayers
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Catholic Holy Week Contemplations and Reflections For Lent , Palm Sunday, Maundy, Good Friday, Easter Sunday: with the Daily Mass Readings and Daily Quotes from the Last Words of Jesus (Homilies, Catholic Sermons) Year ACatholic Common Prayers
Catholic Novena Prayers to St Michael the Archangel: With Prayers of Exorcism for Deliverance and Divine Protection, the Seven Sword Prayers , Chaplet of St Michael , Nine Day Novena, Litany of the Holy Angels, Guardian Angels and St Raphael the ArchangelCatholic Common Prayers