The Hall of Fame for Great Americans: A Biography of Stanford White's Forgotten Memorial Sheila Gerami
Cheshire - Its Traditions and History - Including a Record of the Rise and Progress of Freemasonry in this Ancient Province Alfred Ingham
Art Under Plutocracy: Exploring the Corrosive Influence of Wealth on Art in the 19th Century William Morris
Landscape Painting: Mastering Nature's Palette: A Comprehensive Guide to Landscape Painting Techniques and Composition Lovell Birge Harrison5
The Forts & Fortifications of Europe 1815-1945: The Central States: Germany, Austria-Hungry and Czechoslovakia J. E. Kaufmann
Posters of The Great War: Published in Association with Historical le Grande Guerre, Peronne, France Martin Pegler4
Painting as a Pastime: Exploring Churchill's Artistic Passion and Creative Journey Winston S. Churchill
Ivan Greet's Masterpiece: Obsession, Artistry, and Ambition in Late Victorian Society: A Tale of Creativity and Critique Grant Allen
The Treatment of Drapery in Art: Exploring the Creative Language of Drapery in Painting George Woolliscroft Rhead