Foundations of Freedom: Common Sense; The Declaration of Independence; The Articles of Confederation; The Federalist Papers; The U.S. ConstitutionAlexander Hamilton
Truth of a Hopi: Stories Relating to the Origin, Myths and Clan Histories of the HopiEdmund Nequatewa
Kant’s Critiques: The Critique of Pure Reason; The Critique of Practical Reason; The Critique of JudgementImmanuel Kant
The White Horse: The White Horse in Revelation Chapter 19; and the Word and Its Spiritual SenseEmanuel Swedenborg
The U.S. Constitution with The Declaration of Independence and The Articles of ConfederationJames Madison
The Teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg: Vol I: Heaven and Hell; Divine Love and Wisdom; Divine ProvidenceEmanuel Swedenborg
On The Metaphysics of Morals and Ethics: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals; Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals; The Metaphysical Elements of EthicsImmanuel Kant
The Teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg: Vol III: Last Judgment; Last Judgment Continued; Last Judgment PosthumousEmanuel Swedenborg