1. Exciting Times: A Novel Naoise Dolan
  2. Good Chinese Wife: A Love Affair with China Gone Wrong Susan Blumberg-Kason
  3. Edith och Julian Naoise Dolan
  4. Spelöppning Torsten Ekbom
  5. Drie vrouwen Jojo Moyes
  6. Viskande skuggor Jan-Philipp Sendker
  7. De geestverwantschap David Mitchell
  8. Mord im Park beim Yachthafen Claudine Sandoz
  9. Stormfödd Dan Buthler
  10. The Past Wendy Xu
  11. Land of Big Numbers Te-Ping Chen
  12. Onder de orchidee Siobhan Daiko
  13. Hong Kong Tales Logan Bell
  14. SARS: Jakten på ett botemedel Orage
  15. Hoe wij hier ook samen kwamen Kathleen Ferrier
  16. Once in a lifetime - Travel moments to remember Mirva Saukkola
  17. All Our Shimmering Skies: A Novel Trent Dalton
  18. Boba: Classic, Fun, Refreshing - Bubble Teas to Make at Home Stacey Kwong
  19. Zawodowcy Jack Oakley
  20. The Gate to China: A New History of the People’s Republic & Hong Kong Michael Sheridan
  21. Zawodowcy Jack Oakley
  22. Cantonese in 40 Minutes: Learn to speak Cantonese in minutes with Collins Collins Dictionaries
  23. Learn Cantonese While Sleeping Innovative Language Learning
  24. Monsun Peter Kadhammar
  25. Het huis met de duizend lampions Victoria Holt
  26. Dynasty: A Novel Robert Elegant
  27. The Inscrutable Charlie Muffin Brian Freemantle
  28. Jian Eric Van Lustbader
  29. The Painted Veil W. Somerset Maugham
  30. What a Trip!: (Around the World in Eighty Days) Tony Abbott
  31. China Only Yesterday, 1850–1950: A Century of Change Emily Hahn
  32. Shan Eric Van Lustbader
  33. Nobody Said Not to Go: The Life, Loves, and Adventures of Emily Hahn Ken Cuthbertson
  34. The Kowloon Contract Philip Atlee
  35. Escape to Pagan: A Chronicle of the 101st Airborne Division in the Holland Campaign, September–November 1944: The True Story of One Family's Fight to Survive in World War II Occupied Asia Brian Devereux
  36. Shackleton Boys Volume 2: True Stories from Shackleton Operators Based Overseas Steve Bond
  37. The Borrowed Chan Ho-Kei
  38. La Maison de Rendez-vous and Djinn: Two Novels Alain Robbe-Grillet
  39. Sunderland Over Far-Eastern Seas: An RAF Flying Boat Navigator's Story Derek K. Empson
  40. Pacific Victory Paul Kennedy
  41. Prisoner of the Rising Sun Stanley Wort
  42. Stand By for Action: The Memoirs of a Small Ship Commander in World War II William Donald
  43. Escape from the Japanese: The Amazing Tale of a PoWs Journey from Hong Kong to Freedom Ralph Burton Goodwin
  44. Make for the Hills: The Autobiography of the World's Leading Counter Insurgency Expert Robert Thompson
  45. From Cairo to Wall Street: Voices from the Global Spring
  46. Yangtze Showdown: China and the Ordeal of HMS Amethyst Brian Izzard
  47. China's Brave New World: And Other Tales for Global Times Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom
  48. Jungle Warfare: Experiences & Encounters John Cross
  49. Why the Japanese Lost: The Red Sun's Setting Bryan Perrett
  50. Britain's Island Fortresses: Defence of the Empire 1756–1956 Bill Clements