«Mir geht's gut, wenn nicht heute, dann morgen.»: Erika Freeman: Der Roman eines Jahrhundertlebens Dirk Stermann4.3
Who Pays for Diversity?: Why Programs Fail at Racial Equity and What to Do about It Oneya Fennell Okuwobi
Common Core Standards and Black History Month: A Thematic Guide to Black History in Literature and Informational Texts for Middle School Educators Pat Scales
The Little Book of Race and Restorative Justice: Black Lives, Healing, and US Social Transformation Fania E. Davis
Project 2025: What the “MAGA King” Second Term Presidency Could Mean For an Average American Lois Alarcon
Latinidad, Identity Formation, and the Mass Media Landscape: Constructing Pocho Villa Dr Gabriel A. Cruz PhD
Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America's Black Cities: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America’s Black Cities Andre M. Perry
Here to Stay: The Story of the Class of Women Who Coeducated the University of Virginia Gail Burrell Gerry
While the Earth Sleeps We Travel: Stories, Poetry, and Art from Young Refugees Around the World Ahmed M. Badr5
Himalayan Dreams: The Story of Som Tamang: How a child slave moved mountains to save a generation in Nepal Kirsty Nancarrow
Negociando el Multiculturalismo: dinámicas sociopolíticas del reconocimiento a los afrocolombianos Juan Pablo Estupiñán