1. The Disney Revolt: The Great Labor War of Animation's Golden Age Jake S. Friedman
  2. 25 Great French Films: Ebert's Essentials Roger Ebert
  3. I Am Spartacus!: Making a Film, Breaking the Blacklist Kirk Douglas
  4. The Hollywood Canteen: Where the Greatest Generation Danced with the Most Beautiful Girls in the World Lisa Mitchell
  5. الفيلم الوثائقي: كيف تصنع فيلمًا وثائقيًا مؤثرًا عبد الرحمن حسن صندقجي
  6. María Wiesse en Amauta: los orígenes de la crítica de cine en el Perú Mónica Delgado
  7. Роман Поланский. Творческая биография Станислав Зельвенский
  8. Как снять кино без денег Арсений Гончуков
  9. انا والسينما ابراهيم عبدالمجيد
  10. Páginas de cine: Volumen 2 Luis Alberto Álvarez
  11. Páginas de cine: Volumen 3 Luis Alberto Álvarez
  12. Páginas de cine: Volumen 1 Luis Alberto Álvarez
  13. Understanding Movies: The Art and History of Films: Film History and Technique Raphael Shargel
  14. The Thin Man: Murder Over Cocktails Charles Tranberg
  15. Creatividad y generación de ideas José M. Ricarte
  16. El tiempo de los amnésicos: Narrativas fracturadas y subjetividades delirantes en el cine contemporáneo Teresa Sorolla Romero
  17. But What I Really Want to Do Is Direct: Lessons from a Life Behind the Camera: Lessons from a Life Behind the Camera Ken Kwapis
  18. Why Wakanda Matters: What Black Panther Reveals About Psychology, Identity, and Communication
  19. El cine: del aula a las pantallas Raúl Padilla López
  20. Siempre nos quedará Beirut: Cine de autor y guerra(s) en el Líbano, 1970-2006 Laila Hotait Salas
  21. Hermenéutica nihilista decolonial Juan Alfredo Blanco Gálvez
  22. أفلام الحافظة الزرقاء أحمد خالد توفيق
  23. لقاء مع الناقدة السينماية ماجدة خير الله ماجدة خير الله ومصطفى شهيب
  24. Fever: The Complete History of Saturday Night Fever Margo Donohue
  25. New Mexico Filmmaking Jeff Berg
  26. Little Women Podcast: Season 5 Niina Niskanen
  27. Ron Howard: From Mayberry to the Moon... and Beyond: From Mayberry to the Moon...and Beyond Beverly Gray
  28. Dogme Uncut: Lars Von Trier, Thomas Vinterberg, and the Gang That Took on Hollywood Jack Stevenson
  29. The Three Stooges: Hollywood Filming Locations Jim Pauley
  30. Silent Traces: Discovering Early Hollywood Through the Films of Charlie Chaplin John Bengtson
  31. Becoming AFI: 50 Years Inside the American Film Institute Jean Picker Firstenberg
  32. Recuerdos del futuro Fernando Nemi
  33. Профессия-звукооформитель. Синхронные шумы в кино Тимофей Вольский
  34. Wes Anderson: The Iconic Filmmaker and his Work Ian Nathan
  35. Apple Cider Vinegar Movie Review: Unmasking the Wellness Hoax and the Power of Deception Pat Breese
  36. Queering the South on Screen
  37. Spectacle Earth: Media for Planetary Change Andrew Kalaidjian
  38. The Director Within: Storytellers of Stage and Screen Rose Eichenbaum
  39. Gung Ho Filmmaking: AKA Eyepiece, Adventures in Canadian Film and Television Vic Sarin
  40. A Splurch in the Kisser: The Movies of Blake Edwards Sam Wasson
  41. Tashlinesque: The Hollywood Comedies of Frank Tashlin Ethan de Seife
  42. Titanic: Fuera y Dentro del Cine Santiago Machain
  43. My Life in 24 Frames per Second Rintaro Rintaro
  44. Отдаленные последствия. «Грех», «Француз» и шестидесятники Лев Карахан
  45. Revolutionary Desires: The Political Power of the Sex Scene Xuanlin Tham
  46. Robert Altman and the Elaboration of Hollywood Storytelling Mark Minett
  47. Stories In Motion: The Filmmaker Entrepreneur Vincent Weberink
  48. The making of A Complete Unknown: An Unofficial Guide in exploring Bob Dylan’s Cinematic Legacy, Cast Stories, and Behind-the-Scenes Brilliance Breese Pat
  49. The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic: Volume II Kristin Baver
  50. The Blues Brothers: La storia di un'amicizia epica e il dietro le quinte di un cult Daniel de Visé