Constitution of the Philippines: Foundational Legal Document of the Philippine Government Government of of the Philippines
Constitution of the Philippines: Foundational Principles of Philippine Governance Government of the Philippines
The Philippine-American War: The History and Legacy of the Rebellion against America’s Occupation of the Philippines Charles River Editors5
Wielding Nonviolence in the Midst of Violence: Case Studies of Good Practices in Unarmed Civilian Protection Institute for Peace Work and Nonviolent Conflict Transformation
König der Märcheninsel: Tatsachenbericht über das ungewöhnliche Leben des letzten deutschen "Monarchen" der auf der fernen Insel Nagarao residierte Martin Stummer
The American Occupation of the Philippines 1898-1912: Imperial Conquests: America in the Philippines, 1898-1912 James H. Blount
A Study of the Emergence and Early Development of Selected Protestant Chinese Churches in the Philippines Jean Uy Uayan
Writers & Their Milieu: An Oral History of First Generation Writers in English - Part 2 Doreen Fernandez
Writers & Their Milieu: An Oral History of First Generation Writers in English, Part 1 Doreen Fernandez
Notarial Practice & Malpractice in the Philippines: Rules, Jurisprudence, & Comments Jose Dalisay III