Teach Kids to Become Mentally Strong: How to Instill a Strong Mentality in Your Kids and Help Them Overcome Struggles and Achieve Success in a Stigmatized World Frank Dixon3.5
ROMantiche e nuove storie: Percorsi e strumenti per contrastare xenofobia e antiziganismo Dario Abrescia
Understanding E-Carceration: Electronic Monitoring, the Surveillance State, and the Future of Mass Incarceration James Kilgore
Stay true to who you are: Het bijzondere levensverhaal van Vanessa van Cartier Vanessa van Cartier3.9
The Facilitator's Guide for White Affinity Groups: Strategies for Leading White People in an Anti-Racist Practice Robin DiAngelo4
The Diary Keepers: World War II in the Netherlands, as Written by the People Who Lived Through It Nina Siegal5