1. Hype: How Scammers, Grifters, Con Artists and Influencers Are Taking Over the Internet – and Why We're Following Gabrielle Bluestone
  2. Bitcoin: Unabhängigkeit neu gedacht Knut Svanholm
  3. Das Prinzip von Kryptowährungen und Blockchain Oguz Alakus
  4. Blockchain Technology and Digital Currencies Swarnalata Verma
  5. Cryptocurrency QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner’s Guide to Digital Currencies, Bitcoin, and the Future of Decentralized Finance Jonathan Reichental, PhD
  6. Bitcoin: The Other Side of the Coin: Pros vs Cons of Bitcoin Investing Akito Yamamoto
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  8. The Blocksize War: Der Kampf um die Kontrolle des Bitcoin-Protokolls – Wie ein Soft Fork die größte Kryptowährung der Welt vor der Zentralisierung bewahrte Jonathan Bier
  9. Bitcoin: Why Not to Invest in Bitcoin Akito Yamamoto
  10. Digital Finance: Security Tokens and Unlocking the Real Potential of Blockchain Baxter Hines
  11. The Shmospels of Shmeiki: A Hilarious Journey of Self-Discovery The Om Shmeiki Healing Organization
  12. Hackers Tom Jackson
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  14. Man vs Money: Understanding the curious economics that power our world Stewart Cowley
  15. 30-Second Data Science Liberty Vittert
  16. Bitcoin: Investing in Cryptocurrency for Beginners Roy Fantass
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  18. The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists Naomi Klein
  19. Shadowed Karen E. Olson
  20. Hacking the Future: Privacy, Identity, and Anonymity on the Web Cole Stryker
  21. Ons geld is stuk: En waarom bitcoin de oplossing is Peter Slagter
  22. Once a Bitcoin Miner: Scandal and Turmoil in the Cryptocurrency Wild West Ethan Lou
  23. Enter the Dark: A Stunning, Fast-Paced Thriller Chris Thomas
  24. Den som illa gör Mikael Andersson
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  26. Cloudmoney: Cash, Cards, Crypto, and the War for Our Wallets Brett Scott
  27. The Cyber Attack Survival Manual: Tools for Surviving Everything from Identity Theft to the Digital Apocalypse Nick Selby
  28. The Trolls of Wall Street: How the Outcasts and Insurgents Are Hacking the Markets Nathaniel Popper
  29. Money in One Lesson: How it Works and Why Gavin Jackson
  30. Beyond Bitcoin: Decentralised Finance and the End of Banks Steven Boykey Sidley
  31. Understand Elrond in just 2h! Thibault Coussin
  32. The Bitcoin Big Bang: How Alternative Currencies Are About to Change the World Brian Kelly
  33. Crackerjack Peter Church
  34. The Institution Helen Fields
  35. Bitcoin Bootcamp - Kryptowährungen verstehen in 7 Tagen Alex Teesen
  36. Gestión Del Riesgo Y Del Dianero Para El Trading Diario Y El Swing Trading: Guía Completa Sobre Cómo Maximizar Sus Ganancias Y Minimizar Sus Riesgos En El Trading De Divisas, Futuros Y Acciones Wieland Arlt
  37. Inversiones Para Principiantes 2025: Cómo lograr la libertad financiera y hacer crecer tu riqueza a través de los bienes raíces, el mercado de valores, las criptomonedas, los fondos indexados, alquiler de propiedades, comercio de opciones y más Greg Marty
  38. Mastering Blockchain: Unlocking the Power of Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, and Decentralized Applications Daniel Cawrey
  39. Der Kryptowährungs-Report: So schützen Sie Ihre Kryptowährung vor dem Crash Dr. Goldmann
  40. Money Plain & Simple: What the Institutions and the Elite Don’t Want You to Know Steven J. Spence
  41. Decoding Bitcoin: All you need to know about the new world currency Claude Kramer
  42. Bitcoin: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la nueva moneda virtual Claude Kramer
  43. Del oro al Bitcoin: Cómo y por qué las criptomonedas harán desaparecer los sistemas monetarios tradicionales Nik Bhatia
  44. The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order Michael J. Casey
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  49. Web3: Charting the Internet's Next Economic and Cultural Frontier Alex Tapscott
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