Ihm in die Augen sehen. Meine verlorene Kindheit. 80 Tage in der Gewalt von Marc Dutroux Sabine Dardenne4.6
The Amazing Thing About the Way it Goes: Stories of Tidiness, Self-Esteem and Other Things I Gave Up On Stephanie Pearl-McPhee4
Girl from Montego Bay: The Autobiography of Britain's First Black Woman Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin Rose Hudson-Wilkin
Du är utbytbar : en sann historia om livet som barnstjärna och att aldrig passa in Anna Sundstrand3.6
Capturing Kahanamoku: How a Surfing Legend and a Scientific Obsession Redefined Race and Culture Michael Rossi
De celliste van Auschwitz: hoe een jonge muzikante Auschwitz en Bergen-Belsen overleefde Anita Lasker-Wallfisch4.5
No More Holding Back: Audio Bible Studies: Emboldening Women to Move Past Barriers, See Their Worth, and Serve God Everywhere Kat Armstrong