1. About Abortion: Ten Things a New Generation of Christians Should Know James V. Heidinger III
  2. Dicen que tuve un bebé: Siete historias en las que el sistema judicial encarcela mujeres y a casi nadie le importa María Lina Carrera
  3. Allt ett under Juha Itkonen
  4. Rode klok Leni Zumas
  5. Baby Booming America Back Again: (Roe Vs. Wade Overturned) Norah Wilson
  6. Toen liefde leven werd Lisanne De Gendt
  7. What's So Bad About Being Poor: Our Lives in the Shadows of the Poverty Experts Foster Deborah M.
  8. Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present Mary Ziegler
  9. Jaque a la Reina: Salud, autonomía y libertad reproductiva en Tucumán Alejandra Iriarte
  10. Libertad para Belén: Grito nacional Soledad Deza
  11. Liberty and Sexuality: The Right to Privacy and the Making of Roe v. Wade David J. Garrow
  12. The Search for an Abortionist: The Classic Study of How American Women Coped with Unwanted Pregnancy before Roe v. Wade Nancy Howell Lee
  13. The Millstone Margaret Drabble
  14. Reproductive Rights and Wrongs: The Global Politics of Population Control Betsy Hartmann
  15. Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Legal Impact of the American Convention on Human Rights Ligia De Jesús Castaldi
  16. Untangling Twinning: What Science Tells Us about the Nature of Human Embryos Maureen L. Condic
  17. A New Ireland: How Europe's Most Conservative Country Became Its Most Liberal Niall O'Dowd
  18. You Carried Me: A Daughter’s Memoir Melissa Ohden
  19. Aborcja jest Katarzyna Wężyk
  20. La batalla por el derecho al aborto: El caso de la Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra
  21. The Family Roe: An American Story Joshua Prager
  22. Mercy Street Jennifer Haigh
  23. Deliver Us From Abortion: Awakening the Church to End the Killing of America's Children Brian Fisher
  24. Dömda kvinnor : förbryterskor i Sveriges historia Elin Hägg
  25. El Aborto Charles H. Spurgeon
  26. Het voorval Annie Ernaux
  27. Biografie van de baarmoeder: Het ingenieuze orgaan dat vaak niet begrepen wordt Corien van Zweden
  28. Radical Reproductive Justice: Foundation, Theory, Practice, Critique
  29. Realidades y retos del aborto con medicamentos en México Georgina Sánchez Ramírez
  30. Aborto libre: Materiales para la discusión y la lucha en Chile Karen Glavic
  31. Dömda kvinnor : förbryterskor i Sveriges historia Elin Hägg
  32. Die Pille und hormonelle Ver­hü­tung: Kleine Pille, große Nebenwirkungen Christopher Stark
  33. Every 90 Seconds: Our Common Cause Ending Violence Against Women Anne P. DePrince
  34. Red Clocks Leni Zumas
  35. Wat zoudt gij zonder 't vrouwvolk zijn?: Een geschiedenis van het feminisme in België Monika Triest
  36. Dollars for Life: The Anti-Abortion Movement and the Fall of the Republican Establishment Mary Ziegler
  37. Leven en laten leven: Een gedachtewisseling over abortus en zelfbeschikking Madeleijn van den Nieuwenhuizen
  38. Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing Ryan T. Anderson
  39. Abortion Rights: For and Against Christopher Kaczor
  40. Women vs. American Supreme Court: The History of Abortion Legislation United States Congress
  41. Spilt Milk Amy Beashel
  42. A Daughter’s Lament Lee Gander
  43. Rethinking Life: Embracing the Sacredness of Every Person Shane Claiborne
  44. Policing the Womb: Invisible Women and the Criminalization of Motherhood Michele Goodwin
  45. De Jane's Heather Marshall
  46. Handbook for a Post-Roe America Robin Marty
  47. Fruits of Philosophy: A Treatise on the Population Question Charles Knowlton
  48. Roe: The History of a National Obsession Mary Ziegler
  49. Repealed: Ireland's Unfinished Fight for Reproductive Rights Camilla Fitzsimons
  50. Bakom skottsäkert glas Linda Rönn