Thomas Aird - The Christian Bride & The Churchyard: 'To earth succumbs he, gazing yet the while, On her whose presence can his pains beguile''Thomas Aird
Thomas Aird - First & Second Tales: 'Divine of beauty more young seers they saw, And ancients laden with prophetic awe''Thomas Aird
Thomas Aird - Nebuchadnezzar & Other Poems: 'Whose spirit stumbles 'midst the corner-stones, Of realms disjointed and of broken thrones?''Thomas Aird
Thomas Aird - The Captive of Fez: 'O' er golden Fez the summer sun is shining, But not for Julian, there in durance pining''Thomas Aird
Thomas Aird - The Demonaic & Other Poems: “I am thy quarry of the wild! my faithful huntress thou! And think'st thou not thy toils for me my spirit down must bow?''Thomas Aird