Collected works of Peter Kropotkin. illustrated: An Appeal to the Young. Law and Authority. The Conquest of Bread. Mutual aidPeter Kropotkin
An Appeal to the Young: Embracing Altruism: Inspiring Youth Activism and Progressive Thought in Anarchist LiteraturePeter Kropotkin
Collected Works of Marxism, Anarchism, Communism: The Communist Manifesto, Reform or Revolution, The Conquest of Bread, Anarchism: What it Really Stands For, The State and Revolution, Fascism: What It Is and How To Fight ItKarl Marx
15+ Political Science. Classics Collection: The Art of War, Tao Te Ching, The Republic, Meditations, The Prince, Utopia, Utilitarianism, Anarchism and othersKarl Marx
La Morale anarchiste: Le manifeste libertaire de Pierre Kropotkine (édition intégrale de 1889)Pierre Kropotkine
Anarchism. The Classic Collection (10 books). Illustrated: What Is Property?, God and the State, The Conquest of Bread, No Treason, State Socialism and Anarchism and othersMichael Bakunin
Ausgestoßenen und Rebellen: Biographien und Memoiren: Lebensgeschichten von Garibaldi, Carl Hau, Michael Bakunin, Clara Zetkin, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, LeninHeinrich Conrad
Stimmen der Revolution: Lebensgeschichten von widerständigen Heldinnen und Helden: Biographien & Memoiren von Garibaldi, Lenin, Kropotkin, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Michael Bakunin, Clara ZetkinLouise Aston
Auf den Wegen der Außenseiter und Revolutionären: Biographien und Memoiren von Rosa Luxemburg, Michael Bakunin, Graf von Lavalette, LeninHeinrich Conrad
Die Lebenswege der Revolutionären: Lebensgeschichten von Lenin, Garibaldi, Kropotkin, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Michael Bakunin, Clara ZetkinLouise Aston
Visionäre des Wandels: Leben und Ideen der Pioniere des Kommunismus: Biographien von Thomas Morus, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Lenin, PlatonRosa Luxemburg
Die ersten Kommunisten: Lebensgeschichten sozialistischer Visionäre: Biographien von Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, LeninRosa Luxemburg
Fields, Factories, and Workshops: Industry Combined with Agriculture and Brain Work with Manual WorkPyotr Kropotkin
Philosophie des Anarchismus: Die Anarchisten; Anarchismus und revolutionäre Taktik; Memoiren eines Revolutionärs; Der FreiheitsucherKarl Marx
Anarchistische Theorie: Ausgewählte philosophische Werke: Die Anarchisten; Anarchismus und revolutionäre Taktik; Memoiren eines Revolutionärs; Der FreiheitsucherKarl Marx
Collected Works Of Marxism, Anarchism, Communism: The Communist Manifesto, Reform or Revolution, The Conquest of Bread, Anarchism: What it Really Stands, The State and Revolution, Fascism: What It Is and How To Fight ItKarl Marx
15+ Political Science. Classics Collection: The Art of War, Tao Te Ching, The Republic, Meditations, The Prince, Utopia, Utilitarianism, Anarchism and othersKarl Marx
The Place of Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution - An Address Delivered in Paris: With an Excerpt from Comrade Kropotkin by Victor RobinsonVictor Robinson5
In Russian and French Prisons: With an Excerpt from Comrade Kropotkin by Victor RobinsonVictor Robinson
Ideas and Realities in Russian Literature: With an Excerpt from Comrade Kropotkin by Victor RobinsonVictor Robinson
The State - Its Historic Role: With an Excerpt from Comrade Kropotkin by Victor RobinsonVictor Robinson