Lessons From Literature - Stories Exploring the Relationship Between Human and AnimalGiovanni Boccaccio
Klassiker der Erotik: Die Hörbuch Box: Erotische Geschichten von Boccaccio, Balzac und MaupassantHonoré de Balzac
The Most Pleasant and Delectable Questions of Love (The Unabridged Original English Translation)Giovanni Boccaccio
50 шедевров мировой литературы: Преступление и наказание, Война и мир, Первая любовь, 1984, Тарас Бульба и другиеАртур Конан Дойль
De Decamerone van Boccaccio: Tijdloze verhalen van vreugde en verdriet in het veertiende-eeuwse FlorenceGiovanni Boccaccio
Das literarische Überraschungspaket 2: Es geht auch anders: Boccaccio, Gogol, Kafka, Conrad, GoetheGiovanni Boccaccio
50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die: The Secret Garden, The Odyssey, A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Scarlet Letter, Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dracula and othersArthur Conan Doyle