
  1. El lunes nos querrán: Premio Nadal de Novela 2021 Najat El Hachmi
  2. Donde todo brilla Alice Kellen
  3. Gente que conocemos en vacaciones Emily Henry
  4. Bridge to Terabithia Katherine Paterson
  5. El pantano de las mariposas Federico Axat
  6. Sister BFFs Philippa Rice
  7. Big Nate: Say Good-bye to Dork City Lincoln Peirce
  8. SPOTTYSAURUS SHARES BREAKFAST: A book about trying new foods and the joy of sharing Dino Manoli
  9. Freundschaften in einer neuen Stadt knüpfen: Ein Leitfaden zum Freunde finden Patrick Wagner
  10. Big Nate: Great Minds Think Alike Lincoln Peirce
  11. Sisters on the Fly: Caravans, Campfires, and Tales from the Road Irene Rawlings
  12. Hugs for You Paula Hannigan
  13. The Day the StarTribe Made a Magical Cake: Meet the StarTribe Brwn Girl in the Ring
  14. Shadowhall Academy: Ghost Story Society Phil Hickes
  15. Staubi und seine Freunde Ulrike K. Bergmann
  16. Tafiti. Pinsel unter Verdacht [Band 22] Julia Boehme
  17. Mein Lotta-Leben. Eine Schildkröte geht flöten Alice Pantermüller
  18. Shane and the "Sh" Sound: Suzie and Zach Tales for Curious Minds A. R. Parr Burdett
  19. Ly-Lan and the New Class Mix-up Hà Dinh
  20. Seeing Red Eve Ainsworth
  21. The Lucky Day (Seashell Key #3) Lourdes Heuer
  22. A Single Brutal Fate (The Broken Tower Book #2) Lee Paige O'Brien
  23. Oslo, Maine Marcia Butler
  24. Fazer amigos na vida adulta Renata Losso
  25. The Loom of Starweave Village: A Tapestry of Whispers Catherine Larson
  26. The Teapot Chronicles: Bitter Brew Adrienne Brewer
  27. The Strays of Paris Jane Smiley
  28. Девочка из города Любовь Воронкова
  29. Leonard und Paul: Roman Rónán Hession
  30. Disney Antes de la historia: El rescate helado de Elsa Disney
  31. Amiche, lacrime & popcorn al caramello Cristina Chiperi
  32. The Firework of Friendship Oscar Voland
  33. A Safe Place For Emily and Shadow William Nemon Heard
  34. Unmasking Fake Friends: 7 Behaviors to Watch Out For Leila Wattson
  35. The Giant’s Feast Tim Buhanka
  36. No lo llames deseo. Serie No lo llames, 3 Noelia Amarillo
  37. Fazer amigos na vida adulta
  38. Alla Ricerca Del Sogno Della Principessa: Quando Tutto Crolla L'Amicizia È L'Unica Cosa Che Rimane Amalia Vásquez
  39. Mientras dure el verano Lucía Gil
  40. The Trail Meika Hashimoto
  41. The Toy School Bella Yakovlevna
  42. Heroes Rise: Parents Over Powering Peer Pressures: "Supercharge your parenting skills! Discover impactful audio lessons to counter peer pressures in Heroes Rise." Bastien Kinsale
  43. Bertie the Basset Andrea Barclay
  44. Freche Mädchen: Die Wilden Rosen: Schule? Total verrückt! Bianka Minte-König
  45. Freche Mädchen: Die Wilden Rosen: Liebe? Ganz schön peinlich! Bianka Minte-König
  46. Be a Friend: PEERspective on Autism Jennifer M. Schmidt
  47. Asking for a Friend Andi Osho
  48. Disney Antes de la historia: El plan secreto de Mulán Disney
  49. Disney Antes de la historia: La fiesta de no despedida de Alicia Disney
  50. Under A Fire-Red Sky Geraldine Mccaughrean