1. A Ride Across Palestine & Other Short Stories: One of the most successful, respected and revered author of the Victorian Era Anthony Trollope
  2. Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape Raja Shehadeh
  3. The Talisman Walter Scott
  4. Palestina anatomía de un genocidio VV.AA
  5. Le ferite ci raccontano Ziad Khaddash
  6. Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics Marc Lamont Hill
  7. Gaza: A Doctor's Diary Salman Khalid
  8. Breve historia del conflicto entre Israel y Palestina Ilan Pappe
  9. Quaranta giorni Valerio Massimo Manfredi
  10. Constitution of Palestine: A Comprehensive Guide to Palestinian Governance and Legal Principles Palestinian National Authority
  11. Baladi: Palestine - a celebration of food from land and sea Joudie Kalla
  12. Palestine on a Plate: Memories from my mother's kitchen Joudie Kalla
  13. Незначительная деталь Шибли Адания
  14. Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour Barbara W. Tuchman
  15. Comentario al libro de Josué Samuel Pérez Millos
  16. Underground to Palestine: And Other Writing on Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East I. F. Stone
  17. Palestine: History of a Lost Nation Karl Sabbagh
  18. Israel, Palestine and Peace: Essays Amos Oz
  19. Stories from Palestine: Narratives of Resilience Marda Dunsky
  20. Allenby's Gunners: Artillery in the Sinai & Palestine Campaigns , 1916–1918: Artillery in the Sinai & Palestine Camptaings, 1916–1918 Alan H. Smith
  21. Palestine: The Ottoman Campaigns of, 1914–1918 Edward J. Erickson
  22. With 6th Airborne Division in Palestine, 1945–1948 Dare Wilson
  23. The Battle for Justice in Palestine Ali Abunimah
  24. Palestine: A Socialist Introduction
  25. Nel paese di Gesù. Ricordi di un viaggio in Palestina Matilde Serao
  26. A Ride Across Palestine Anthony Trollope
  27. The Lanterns of the King of Galilee Ibrahim Nasrallah
  28. Yusif Sayigh: Arab Economist and Palestinian Patriot: A Fractured Life Story
  29. Jerusalem without God: Portrait of a Cruel City Paola Caridi
  30. The Woman from Tantoura Radwa Ashour
  31. Mapping My Return Salman Abu Sitta
  32. Fractured Destinies Rabai al-Madhoun
  33. My First and Only Love Sahar Khalifeh
  34. Egypt's Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis: My Testimony Ahmed Aboul Gheit
  35. The Inheritance Sahar Khalifeh
  36. The Dream: A Diary of a Film Mohammad Malas
  37. Velvet Huzama Habayeb
  38. Time of White Horses Ibrahim Nasrallah
  39. Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History Nur Masalha
  40. La rosa Emilia Pardo Bazan
  41. A Ride Across Palestine Anthony Trollope
  42. La piccola araba Mariam di Gesù Crocifisso Amédée Brunot
  43. El cielo está incompleto: cuaderno de viaje en Palestina Irmgard Emmelhainz
  44. Toward a Critical Rhetoric on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
  45. Corona di spine Luisa Macina Gervasio
  46. Prophets without Honor: The 2000 Camp David Summit and the End of the Two-State Solution Shlomo Ben-Ami
  47. The Future of Palestine: How Discrimination Hinders Change Tamar Haddad
  48. Il Vangelo secondo Gesù Cristo José Saramago
  49. Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine Noura Erakat
  50. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Ilan Pappe