Cambio climático

  1. A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency Seth Klein
  2. A Joosr Guide to... This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein: Capitalism vs. the Climate Joosr
  3. La Tierra inhabitable: Resumen y Análisis David Wallace-Wells
  4. Wir sind das Klima! - Wie wir unseren Planeten schon beim Frühstück retten können Jonathan Safran Foer
  5. Cambio climático y derechos humanos Elizabeth Salmón
  6. Runaway Planet: How Global Warming is already changing the Earth The Washington Post
  7. The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don’t Want You to Know About—Because They Helped Cause Them Iain Murray
  8. Wir können es besser - Wie Umweltzerstörung die Corona-Pandemie auslöste und warum ökologische Medizin unsere Rettung ist Clemens G. Arvay
  9. Deforestation: The Silent Crisis Threatening Our Planet’s Survival Marcus Kline
  10. Our Mother Ocean: Enclosure, Commons, and the Global Fishermen’s Movement Mariarosa Dalla Costa
  11. Hope Against Hope: Writings on Ecological Crisis Out of the Woods
  12. Global Disasters: The Escalating Crisis of Natural and Man-Made Calamities Marcus Kline
  13. Global Warming: Global Threat Michael McElroy
  14. A Farmer's Guide to Climate Disruption Rebekah L. Fraser
  15. A Crisis like No Other: Understanding and Defeating Global Warming - Second Edition Robert De Saro
  16. Accionistas del cambio Irene Baños
  17. Mercaderes de la duda: Cómo un puñado de científicos ocultaron la verdad sobre el calentamiento global Naomi Oreskes
  18. Our Livable World: Creating the Clean Earth of Tomorrow Marc Schaus
  19. Young Rebels: 25 Jugendliche, die die Welt verändern Christine Knödler
  20. Watermelon Snow: Science, Art, and a Lone Polar Bear Lynne Quarmby
  21. Wie wir die Welt retten, ohne uns dauernd Sorgen zu machen: Der Klimakrise mit Zuversicht begegnen Roger Hackstock
  22. F E U E R A L A R M: .....beim Weihnachtsmann (Bilder handbemalt) C.W. COOK
  23. The Forever Sea Joshua Phillip Johnson
  24. Il tempo e l'acqua Andri Snær Magnason
  25. Tapestries of Life: Uncovering the Lifesaving Secrets of the Natural World Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
  26. Il mito infranto: Come la falsa sostenibilità ha reso il mondo più ingiusto Antonio Galdo
  27. 25 Climate Change Solutions in 500 Words Each Nietsnie Trebla
  28. What Is to Be Done: Political Engagement and Saving the Planet Barry Jones
  29. Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question: Deciding Whether to Have Children in an Uncertain Future Jade S. Sasser
  30. Survival: Evolutionary Rules for Intelligent Species Survival Samuel Layne
  31. This Book Is a Knife: Radical Working-Class Strategies in the Age of Climate Change L.E. Fox
  32. Planet Palm: How Palm Oil Ended Up in Everything—and Endangered the World Jocelyn C. Zuckerman
  33. Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future Mary Robinson
  34. Drowning a Dragonfly Sophus Helle
  35. Klima geht uns alle an: Gedanken zur Lage der Schöpfung Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel
  36. Die Alternative: Plädoyer für eine sonnige Zukunft Franz Alt
  37. Eiszeit und Klimawechsel: (Eine wissenschaftliche Publikation aus dem späten 19. Jahrhundert) Wilhelm Bölsche
  38. Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases: Impacts and Solutions Gopee Shukla
  39. Climate Change Science: A Comprehensive Synthesis Shreya Joshi
  40. Learning and Applying Landscape Ecology Vinayak Joshipura
  41. Energy Economics: Key Concepts Vinayak Joshipura
  42. Geomorphology of Desert Environments Vinayak Joshipura
  43. Foundations of Plate Tectonics Balagovind Agarwal
  44. Exploring Alternative Energy Sources Ashok Vaidya
  45. Principles of Petroleum Geoscience Ashok Vaidya
  46. Introduction to Soil Mechanics Tara Pandey
  47. Climate Change and Extreme Weather Scientific American
  48. Ten Journeys on a Fragile Planet Rod Taylor
  49. 2050: Doomsday or Destiny? – Blueprint for Survival Claire V. Donovan
  50. No Planet B: Your Guide to Navigating the Climate Crisis Maya S. Parker