Provas Dependentes da Memória: Técnicas de Depoimento e Reconhecimento de Pessoas à Luz Psicologia do Testemunho Carlos Eduardo Rangel
Monsters on the Loose: The True Story of Three Unsolved Murders in Prohibition Era San Diego Richard Carrico
Maßregeln auf dem Prüfstand: Ist die Unterbringung im psychiatrischen Krankenhaus nach § 63 StGB reformbedürftig?
A cultura judaico-cristã e sua relação com os Direitos Fundamentais previstos na Constituição Federal de 1988 Lucas Pereira Cunha
Il grande abbaglio (versione aggiornata) - AUDIOLIBRO: Controinchiesta sulla strage di Erba Felice Manti
50 Situations Awaiting Every Forensic Scientist: A Professional Effectiveness Handbook - 2nd Edition John M Collins
Alienação Parental sob uma Perspectiva Crítica: Discussões Psicossociais e Jurídicas Josimar Antônio de Alcântara Mendes
The Psychology of Notorious Serial Killers: The Intersection of Personality Theory and the Darkest Minds of Our Time Todd Grande, PhD3.8
30-Second Forensic Science: 50 key topics revealing criminal investigation from behind the scenes, each explained in half a minute Sue Black4
How to Analyze Criminal Psychology, Manipulation and Seduction, Detect Deception: Dark Psychology Jason Gale5
Summary and Analysis of Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers: Based on the Book by Mary Roach Worth Books
Die Toten können uns retten - Wie die Rechtsmedizin hilft, Krankheiten zu erforschen und das Sterben zu verhindern Klaus Püschel4.6
Murder in the Midlands: Larry Gene Bell and the 28 Days of Terror that Shook South Carolina Rita Y. Shuler