1. Divine Rivals Rebecca Ross
  2. An Atheist’s Letters to Heaven Naimbai Njerakey
  3. Lady Susan: Die Geschichte der Femme Fatale in der Regency-Ära (Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und Rechtschreibung) Jane Austen
  4. Querido Miguel Natalia Ginzburg
  5. The Provincial Lady Series: Diary of a Provincial Lady, The Provincial Lady Goes Further, The Provincial Lady in America & The Provincial Lady in Wartime E. M. Delafield
  6. I Visit the Soviets - The Provincial Lady in Russia E. M. Delafield
  7. The Monarch Papers: Cosmos & Time C.J. Bernstein
  8. The Search For Magiq
  9. Ackerly Green’s Secret Society C.J. Bernstein
  10. The Ember-Forged Cauldron Games: A Tale of Culinary Sorcery and the Last Flamekeeper’s Legacy Jared Starks
  11. Sarà un capolavoro F. Scott Fitzgerald
  12. Esclavos de la Heredad 2: Verdugos Nelvis Haydée Ghelfi
  13. Esclavos de la heredad 1: Cómplices Nelvis Haydée Ghelfi
  14. La plume de Mallaig Diane Lacombe
  15. Therese: Ein Briefroman Charlotte von Ahlefeld
  16. Gott B-Ware: Ein Transgender-Briefroman via Flaschenpost Lukas Wolfgang Börner
  17. The Moonstone Wilkie Collins
  18. The Librarian of Saint-Malo: A WWII Novel Mario Escobar
  19. The Letter Keeper Charles Martin
  20. Pasolini a Villa Ada Giorgio Manacorda
  21. Evelina: Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und Rechtschreibung Frances Burney
  22. Be My Knife David Grossman
  23. The Nocilla Trilogy: Nocilla Dream, Nocilla Experience, Nocilla Lab Agustín Fernández Mallo
  24. Dracula Bram Stoker
  25. Lady Susan Jane Austen
  26. Cartas de una pionera: Elinore, una pionera en el Salvaje Oeste Elinore Pruitt Stewart
  27. The Sorrows of Werther, Book 1 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  28. The Sorrows of Werther, Book 2 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  29. The History of Maria Kittle: Love, Loss, and Resilience in 18th Century America: A Tale of Female Friendship and Historical Fiction Ann Eliza Bleecker
  30. Letters by Oliver Cowdery to W.W. Phelps:The Rise of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Exploring the Origins of Mormonism through Correspondence Oliver Cowdery
  31. Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, and the Condition of Woman: Challenging Gender Norms: A Revolutionary Perspective on Women's Rights Sarah Moore Grimké
  32. Lettere Americane C. Olivetti
  33. Te lo digo por escrito Ángeles de Irisarri
  34. Dear Paris: The Paris Letters Collection Janice MacLeod
  35. Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure John Cleland
  36. I'm Waiting for You: And Other Stories Kim Bo-young
  37. Love Letter from King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn King Henry VIII
  38. The Mark on the Wall Virginia Woolf
  39. The Moonstone Wilkie Collins
  40. Не мешки Макс Фрай
  41. Dear Black Girl: Letters From Your Sisters on Stepping Into Your Power Tamara Winfrey Harris
  42. Königsberg Mariano Veloy
  43. Дом, в котором горит свет Эльчин Сафарли
  44. The London House Katherine Reay
  45. La tienda de antigüedades Charles Dickens
  46. Retrato del artista adolescente James Joyce
  47. Wake Up, Stupid Mark Harris
  48. The Man Who Wrote Dirty Books Hal Dresner
  49. The Anderson Tapes Lawrence Sanders
  50. Love and Friendship Jane Austen