Inteligencia artificial

  1. Resumen 10´ NEXUS: Una Breve Historia de las Redes de Información desde la Edad de Piedra hasta la Inteligencia Artificial. Yuval Noah Harari
  2. Cómo Ganar Dinero por Internet con Inteligencia Artificial: Emprende tu negocio digital con ChatGPT, Escríbelo.ia, Playground AI,, Canva, Midjourney, Dall-E 2, Amazon… Roberto de los Bosques
  3. Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind Annaka Harris
  4. Cracking the Data Code: Pragmatics for Better Management and Governance Richard C. Robinson
  5. A Joosr Guide to… The Rise of the Robots by Martin Ford: Technology and the Threat of Mass Unemployment Joosr
  6. Inteligencia artificial y humanismo tecnológico. Alfredo Marcos
  7. Artificial Intelligence Richard Urwin
  8. Random Acts of Automation: How to Fight Back When Automation Threatens Your Work, Your Life, and Everything You Do Craig LeClair
  9. The New Empire of AI: The Future of Global Inequality Rachel Adams
  10. The Creation of a Conscious Machine: The AI Quest: Building Awareness with Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technologies Jean E. Tardy
  11. AI Horizons: Shaping a Better Future Through Responsible Innovation and Human Collaboration Enamul Haque
  12. Talking Machines: The Rise of Chatbots and Virtual Assistants Logan D. Hayes
  13. The AI-Driven Classroom: Revolutionizing Education Jasper L. Ethridge
  14. The 30-Day Carnivore Boot Camp: A Beginner’s Guide to Successfully Doing an All-Meat Lifestyle Jacie Gregory
  15. Triple Tide: Three genders, a climate-torn planet — and salvation is slipping away. Foolona Hill
  16. Inevitable: Distributed Cognition & Network Superintelligence T. Dylan Daniel
  17. Navigating Tomorrow: A Journey into the World of Autonomous Vehicles Chuck Sherman
  18. IA 2041: Resumen y Análisis Chen Qiufan
  19. La ola que se avecina: Resumen y Análisis Mustafa Suleyman
  20. Creadores de genios: Resumen y Análisis Cade Metz
  21. Generative AI for Beginners: Understanding Artificial Intelligence.: Unlocking the Matrix with GPT-4, LLMs, Deep Neural Networks, and Practical Machine Learning Alex Quant
  22. Artificial Intelligence: A Multidisciplinary Approach towards Teaching and Learning
  23. AI-Powered Decision Making Shawn Carter
  24. The Smart City: How AI is Shaping the Future of Urban Life Emily M. Foster
  25. Beyond Tomorrow: The Future of AI and Humanity Riley S. Ashton
  26. Automate to Dominate: AI for the Mid-Market Kendall M. Foster
  27. The Invisible Hand of AI: Algorithms Behind Our Social Media Alexis Ellis
  28. Game Changer: How AI is Transforming Sports Max P. Donovan
  29. Applied Deep Learning on Graphs: Leverage graph data for business applications using specialized deep learning architectures Lakshya Khandelwal
  30. Superpotencias de la inteligencia artificial: China, Silicon Valley y el nuevo orden mundial Kai-Fu Lee
  31. Artificial Intelligence For Dummies, 3rd Edition Luca Massaron
  32. Prompting: Poetiche e politiche dell'intelligenza artificiale Niccolò Monti
  33. Ipnocrazia: Trump, Musk e la nuova architettura della realtà Jianwei Xun
  34. Insight Engine: Harnessing the Power of Data Science: Unlocking Predictive Analytics and Business Intelligence Zoe Thompson
  35. Machine Learning Made Simple: A Practical Introduction: Building Intelligent Algorithms from Scratch Daniel Lee
  36. Destructive Artificial Intelligence: How Technology Can Be a Double-Edged Sword Marcus Kline
  37. Más Allá de los Algoritmos: Ética en la Inteligencia Artificial: Navegando los Dilemas Morales de la Era Digital Diego Sonvico
  38. Persuasion IQ: The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want Kurt Mortensen
  39. Neuronale Netze selbst programmieren: Ein verständlicher Einstieg mit Python Tariq Rashid
  40. Quantum Computing Impact: Unleashing the Power of Data for the Future Chuck Sherman
  41. QUAND LES MACHINES RACONTENT: L’histoire extraordinaire de l'intelligence artificielle Miguel Bevaurd
  42. Máquinas predictivas: La sencilla economía de la inteligencia artificial Joshua Gans
  43. Feature Engineering for Beginners: Feature Engineering for Beginners Chuck Sherman
  44. AI Agents: The Invisible Workforce of the Future Lucas D. Prescott
  45. WHEN MACHINES TELL: The extraordinary story of artificial intelligence Miguel Bevaurd
  46. The Chief AI Officer's Handbook: Master AI leadership with strategies to innovate, overcome challenges, and drive business growth Jarrod Anderson
  47. Machine Learning for Financial Professionals Bharat Mishra
  48. AI as Author: Exploring the Future of Publishing Nathan Venture, D
  49. Superintelligence on the Horizon: Steering the Course of Cybersecurity Felipe Chavarro Polanía
  50. NVIDIA Stock - AI Boom: A Comprehensive Guide to Investing in NVIDIA Corporation and impact of AI boom on it Investment Shots