Das offizielle Raspberry Pi-Handbuch für Einsteiger / The official Raspberry Pi beginner's guide: Wie du deinen neuen Computer benutzt / How to use your new computerGareth Halfacree
Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico: The Official Raspberry Pi Pico GuideGareth Halfacree5
Guia Oficial Raspberry Pi para Iniciantes / The official Raspberry Pi beginner's guide: Como utilizar o seu novo computador / How to use your new computerGareth Halfacree
La guida introduttiva ufficiale Raspberry Pi / The official Raspberry Pi beginner's guide: Come utilizzare il tuo nuovo computer / How to use your new computerGareth Halfacree
Le guide officiel du débutant Raspberry Pi / The official Raspberry Pi beginner's guide: Comment utiliser votre nouvel ordinateur / How to use your new computerGareth Halfacree
La guía oficial de Raspberry Pi para principiantes / The official Raspberry Pi beginner's guide: Cómo usar tu nuevo ordenador / How to use your new computerGareth Halfacree