Der Spion des Aufstandes: Die wahre Geschichte des Spionagesystems der US-Armee während des BürgerkriegsAllan Pinkerton
The Spy of the Rebellion (Based on True Events): Unveiling Civil War Espionage SecretsAllan Pinkerton
True Crime: Pinkerton National Detective Agency: Unveiling the Underworld: Tales of 19th-Century DetectionAllan Pinkerton
The Greatest Cases of Pinkerton Detective Agency: Unraveling Mysteries: Legendary Cases of a Detective PioneerAllan Pinkerton
The Greatest Detective Books of Allan Pinkerton: Unraveling Mysteries: The Legacy of Allan Pinkerton's Detective TalesAllan Pinkerton
Murder Mystery - Boxed Set: 800+ Whodunit Mysteries, True Crime Stories & Action Thrillers: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Thorndyke Cases, Bulldog Drummond, Detective Standish…Arthur Conan Doyle
ALLAN PINKERTON Ultimate Collection: True Crime Stories & Detective Stories: 19th Century Crime Solving: A Literary Journey into DetectionAllan Pinkerton
Pinkerton National Detective Agency: True Crime Stories & P.I. Cases: Unveiling 19th Century Crime: Private Eye Chronicles & Investigative ExploitsAllan Pinkerton
The Spy of the Rebellion: True History of the Spy System of the United States Army during the Civil WarAllan Pinkerton
The Greatest Murder Mysteries Ever Written: Exploring the Depths of Dark Psychology in Classic Murder MysteriesArthur Conan Doyle
The Collected Works of Allan Pinkerton: Unveiling Mysteries: Tales of Crime, Intrigue, and JusticeAllan Pinkerton
TRUE CRIME COLLECTION: The Greatest Cases of Pinkerton National Detective Agency: Unraveling Historical Mysteries of Crime and JusticeAllan Pinkerton
Murder Mystery - Boxed Set: 800+ Whodunit Mysteries, True Crime Stories & Action Thrillers: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Thorndyke Cases, Bulldog Drummond, Detective Standish…Arthur Conan Doyle
Murder Mystery - Boxed Set: 800+ Whodunit Mysteries, True Crime Stories & Action Thrillers: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Thorndyke Cases, Bulldog Drummond, Detective Standish…Ambrose Bierce
Murder Mystery - Boxed Set: 800+ Whodunit Mysteries, True Crime Stories & Action Thrillers: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Thorndyke Cases, Bulldog Drummond, Detective Standish…Ambrose Bierce
The Somnambulist and the Detective; The Murderer and the Fortune Teller: Murky World of Crime and Mystery: An Intriguing Detective TaleAllan Pinkerton
Mississippi Outlaws and the Detectives: Don Pedro and the Detectives; Poisoner and the DetectivesAllan Pinkerton
The Greatest Murder Mysteries Ever Written: 800+ Whodunit Murder Mysteries, True Crime Stories & Action Thrillers: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Thorndyke Cases, Bulldog Drummond, Detective Standish, Martin Hewitt, Max Carrados…Arthur Conan Doyle
True Crime Collection: The Greatest Cases Of Pinkerton National Detective Agency: The Expressman and the Detective, The Somnambulist and the Detective, The Murderer and the Fortune Teller, Poisoner and the Detectives, Bucholz and the Detectives, Don Pedro and the Detectives…Allan Pinkerton
True Crime & Mystery Boxed Set: The Murderer and the Fortune Teller, The Burglar's Fate and the Detectives, The Expressman and the Detective, Mississippi Outlaws and the Detectives, The Spiritualists and the Detectives…Allan Pinkerton
Pinkerton National Detective Agency: True Crime Stories & P.I. Cases: The Expressman and the Detective, The Somnambulist and the Detective, The Murderer and the Fortune Teller, Poisoner and the Detectives, Bucholz and the Detectives, Don Pedro and the Detectives…Allan Pinkerton
The Collected Works of Allan Pinkerton: True Crime Stories, Detective Tales & Spy Thrillers: The Expressman and the Detective, The Murderer and the Fortune Teller, The Spy of the Rebellion, The Burglar's Fate and the Detectives…Allan Pinkerton
The Spy of the Rebellion: True History of the Spy System of the United States Army during the Civil WarAllan Pinkerton
Allan Pinkerton Ultimate Collection: True Crime Stories & Detective Stories: The Expressman and the Detective, The Somnambulist and the Detective, The Murderer and the Fortune Teller, The Spiritualists and the Detectives, Mississippi Outlaws and the Detectives…Allan Pinkerton