
  1. Chakra Awakening Deep Sleep Meditation: Beginners Guided Meditation to Healing Chakras, Chakra Clearing, Mantra Chanting, Chakra Balancing, & Opening Your Third Eye (New Age Affirmations, Third Eye Awakening, Astral Projection Meditation Series) Mindfulness Training
  2. Se abrindo pra vida Zíbia Gasparetto
  3. Os viajores: Agentes dos guardiões Robson Pinheiro
  4. The Daemon: A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self Anthony Peake
  5. Secrets of the Light: Spiritual Strategies To Empower Your Life Dannion Brinkley
  6. Hauntings: True Stories of Unquiet Spirits Paul Roland
  7. Is There Life After Death?: The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die Anthony Peake
  8. O Amor Vence o Suicídio Luís Carlos dos Santos
  9. Notas Celestes Evelyn Freire de Carvalho
  10. Doutrina Espírita Sem Segredos Evelyn Freire de Carvalho
  11. Rumo às estrelas Divaldo Pereira Franco
  12. A escolha Flavia Roizman Kandelman
  13. Victoria’s Most Haunted: Ghost Stories from BC’s Historic Capital City Ian Gibbs
  14. A Guide to Afterlife Communication: How to Heal from Loss and Connect with Your Loved Ones on the Other Side Audrey Sloan Tate
  15. A Vida Ou A Propriedade? Edomberto Freitas
  16. A Tripartição Da Alma Edomberto Freitas Alves Rodrigues
  17. Zephyr Edomberto Freitas
  18. Armadilhas da obsessão: Um olhar sobre os ensinamentos de Allan Kardec Rafaela Paes de Campos
  19. Earthbound Soul: Embracing Your Mission On This Planet Lloyd Leon
  20. Destinos Entrelaçados: uma jornada de amor, redenção e reencarnação Jose Antonio Oliveira
  21. ADVENTURES IN CONSCIOUSNESS: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology JANE ROBERTS
  23. The Great Beyond: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Afterlife John Harpoon
  24. Ghost People Words: Volume:1 Todd Andrew Rohrer
  25. 100 Vidas Sadhaka Natha
  26. Maurício E Anabela Ricardo Caccavelli
  27. Peregrinação: Histórias sobre aborto, consciência e reparação Angelo Dias
  28. The 14 Karmic Laws of Love: How to Develop a Healthy and Conscious Relationship With Your Soulmate Dan Desmarques
  29. The Journey: An Uplifting Adventure for our modern times David Trueman
  30. They Sing To Our Souls: The Animals Speak Naomi McDonald
  31. Away To Me, My Love: A Sheepdog's Tale of Two Lives Naomi McDonald
  32. A Rosa do Cairo Osmar Barbosa
  33. The Eastern Approach: Exploring Eastern Wisdom and the Journey of Life and Death George Herbert Leigh Mallory
  34. The Devachanic Plane: Journey into Mystical Realms: Understanding the Devachanic Plane and Spiritual Dimensions Charles Webster Leadbeater
  35. Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead: Prayers, Incantations, and Other Texts from the Book of the Dead E. A. Wallis Budge
  36. Remarkable Spirit Manifestations Prof. William Crookes
  37. Ocean of Love Helos Aloe
  38. Desencarnações Coletivas Izoldino Resende de Morais
  39. Quem Ama Perdoa Ernesto
  40. O Livro dos Espíritos Allan Kardec
  41. O Evangelho segundo o espiritismo Allan Kardec
  42. Maria do Rosário Thiago Trindade
  43. The Abolition of Man and The Great Divorce C. S. Lewis
  44. The 14 Karmic Laws of Love: How to Develop a Healthy and Conscious Relationship With Your Soulmate Dan Desmarques
  45. Reincarnation: Remarkable Stories of People who Recall Past Lives Paul Roland
  46. Miracles, Angels & Afterlife: Signposts to Heaven Peter Shockey
  47. The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of Death Julia Assante, PhD
  48. What Happens When We Die: A Psychic's Exploration of Death, Heaven, and the Soul's Journey After Death Echo Bodine
  49. Words at the Threshold: What We Say as We're Nearing Death Lisa Smartt
  50. Mysterious Realities: A Dream Traveler's Tales from the Imaginal Realm Robert Moss