
  1. Se abrindo pra vida Zíbia Gasparetto
  2. The Daemon: A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self Anthony Peake
  3. Secrets of the Light: Spiritual Strategies To Empower Your Life Dannion Brinkley
  4. Hauntings: True Stories of Unquiet Spirits Paul Roland
  5. Is There Life After Death?: The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die Anthony Peake
  6. O Amor Vence o Suicídio Luís Carlos dos Santos
  7. Notas Celestes Evelyn Freire de Carvalho
  8. Doutrina Espírita Sem Segredos Evelyn Freire de Carvalho
  9. Rumo às estrelas Divaldo Pereira Franco
  10. A escolha Flavia Roizman Kandelman
  11. Victoria’s Most Haunted: Ghost Stories from BC’s Historic Capital City Ian Gibbs
  12. A Guide to Afterlife Communication: How to Heal from Loss and Connect with Your Loved Ones on the Other Side Audrey Sloan Tate
  13. A Vida Ou A Propriedade? Edomberto Freitas
  14. A Tripartição Da Alma Edomberto Freitas Alves Rodrigues
  15. Zephyr Edomberto Freitas
  16. Armadilhas da obsessão: Um olhar sobre os ensinamentos de Allan Kardec Rafaela Paes de Campos
  17. Destinos Entrelaçados: uma jornada de amor, redenção e reencarnação Jose Antonio Oliveira
  18. ADVENTURES IN CONSCIOUSNESS: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology JANE ROBERTS
  20. The Great Beyond: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Afterlife John Harpoon
  21. Ghost People Words: Volume:1 Todd Andrew Rohrer
  22. 100 Vidas Sadhaka Natha
  23. Maurício E Anabela Ricardo Caccavelli
  24. Peregrinação: Histórias sobre aborto, consciência e reparação Angelo Dias
  25. The Biggest Regrets of Life & How to Avoid Them Amanpreet Kaur
  26. The 14 Karmic Laws of Love: How to Develop a Healthy and Conscious Relationship With Your Soulmate Dan Desmarques
  27. Utopia Edomberto Freitas
  28. Guerra E Glória Edomberto Freitas
  29. The Journey: An Uplifting Adventure for our modern times David Trueman
  30. Os Maiores Arrependimentos da Vida e Como Evitá-los Amanpreet Kaur
  31. Ed's Odyssey How I Met Buddha and the Aliens Ed Cima
  32. Soul Message Service via Near-Death Experiences: NDExperiencers Returning With Knowledge That Benefits the Living Scott Ogea
  33. O Outro Lado Oculto Da Gira Lilian Campos
  34. Lebeau Lilian Campos
  35. Memorias De Um Malandro Lilian Campos
  36. Amélia Lilian Campos
  37. A Prova Final Lilian Campos
  38. Contos De Malandro Lilian Campos
  39. Verified Near Death Experiences: Proof Of An Afterlife Simon Bown
  40. Inspired Life, Beautiful Death: Healing Grief, Overcoming Fear of Death, and Living a Spiritual Life Tom Nehmy
  41. The Real Meaning of Reincarnation and Rebirth Joseph Murphy
  42. True Christianity, vol. 1: The Portable New Century Edition Emanuel Swedenborg
  43. Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism Cooper-Oakley, Isabel
  44. They Sing To Our Souls: The Animals Speak Naomi McDonald
  45. Away To Me, My Love: A Sheepdog's Tale of Two Lives Naomi McDonald
  46. A Rosa do Cairo Osmar Barbosa
  47. The Eastern Approach: Exploring Eastern Wisdom and the Journey of Life and Death George Herbert Leigh Mallory
  48. The Devachanic Plane: Journey into Mystical Realms: Understanding the Devachanic Plane and Spiritual Dimensions Charles Webster Leadbeater
  49. Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead: Prayers, Incantations, and Other Texts from the Book of the Dead E. A. Wallis Budge
  50. Remarkable Spirit Manifestations Prof. William Crookes