
  1. The Mediterranean Slow Cooker Cookbook: A Mediterranean Cookbook with 101 Easy Slow Cooker Recipes Salinas Press
  2. Wild Thyme In Ibiza Stewart Andersen
  3. Two Old Fools in Turmoil: Old Fools Book 5 Victoria Twead
  4. The Map Thief: A Novel Heather Terrell
  5. Portuguese Dialogues for Beginners Book 2 Learn Like A Native
  6. Portuguese Short Stories for Beginners Book 3 Learn Like A Native
  7. New Beginnings at the Little House in the Sun Chris Penhall
  8. Schifaizfavoire Mario Prata
  9. Spanish for Travel: An Introductory Language Course Miguel Ruiz
  10. Hemingway in Spain David P. Reiter
  11. A Hoopoe on the Nispero Tree: Our Andalusian Adventure Continues Sabina Ostrowska
  12. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (Book Analysis): Detailed Summary, Analysis and Reading Guide Bright Summaries
  13. A to Z of Spanish Culture (2nd edition), The: Beyond toros and flamenco Pilar Orti
  14. O Segundo Chamado: A essência de um caminho de descobertas Antônio Jr.
  15. The War of the Sicilian Vespers: The History and Legacy of Sicily’s Rebellion against the French in the Late 13th Century Charles River Editors
  16. Benidorm Seriously!!: Buying a hotel in Europe's No1 tourist resort, what could go wrong! Tony Harrison
  17. Old Families of Louisiana Stanley Arthur
  18. For the Love of Texas: Tell Me about the Colonists! Betsy Christian
  19. Marcus Daly's Road to Montana Brenda Wahler
  20. Come to Light Paul Madonna
  21. Sonetos Luís de Camões
  22. Hired Girlfriend, Pregnant Fiancée? Nina Milne
  23. Michelin Travel Guides: Spain Michelin Editions
  24. Journey to Chernobyl: Encounters in a Radioactive Zone Glenn Alan Cheney
  25. Selected Poetry, 1937–1990 João Melo
  26. Sonetos Florbela Espanca
  27. Homage to Catalonia George Orwell
  28. Cruises... in a different way! Compact Travel Guide Canary Islands 2019/2020: Teneriffa, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera Andrea Müller
  29. Cruises... in a different way! Travel Guide Canary Islands 2019/2020: Teneriffa, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera Andrea Müller
  30. Black Cargoes: A History of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1518–1865
  31. Frei Luís de Sousa Almeida Garret
  32. Great Pilgrimage Sites of Europe Derry Brabbs
  33. Real-World Spanish: The Conversation Learning System Camila Vega Rivera
  34. A Girl Is Lost in Her Century, Looking for Her Father Gonçalo M. Tavares
  35. Improper Pursuits: The Scandalous Life of an Earlier Lady Diana Spencer Carola Hicks
  36. Por mares nunca dantes navegados - a aventura dos descobrimentos Fábio Pestana Ramos
  37. The Affair of the Poisons: Murder, Infanticide, and Satanism at the Court of Louis XIV Anne Somerset
  38. A Third Path: Corporatism in Brazil and Portugal Melissa Teixeira
  39. A Sapateira Prodigiosa Federico García Lorca
  40. História do Brasil - Livro I - A Expansão Marítima Portuguesa A Conquista Marítima Editora Planeta do Brasil
  41. Easy Portuguese Cookbook: Recipes to Bring Home the Flavors of Portugal Stacy Silva-Boutwell
  42. Strangers Within: The Rise and Fall of the New Christian Trading Elite Francisco Bethencourt
  43. The Inspired Traveller: Our World in 100 Cultural Places Susie Hodge
  44. Modern Jamaica: The History of the Caribbean Island from Christopher Columbus to Today Charles River Editors
  45. Don Juan (With Byron's Biography) Lord Byron
  46. FLORBELA ESPANCA: Os Mais Belos Sonetos Florbela Espanca
  47. The Guilt Trip: A Twisting, Compulsive Psychological Thriller Sandie Jones
  48. Quiet Barcelona Siobhan Wall
  49. Mediterranean Every Day: Simple, Inspired Recipes for Feel-Good Food Sheela Prakash
  50. Rails Around the World: Two Centuries of Trains and Locomotives Brian Solomon