How to Read Literature Like a Professor [Third Edition]: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Understanding Literature, from The Great Gatsby to The Hate You Give Thomas C. Foster
Victor Hugo - Poetry Volume 1: Rare poetry collection from the masterful author of Les Miserables and Hunchback Of Notre Dame among others, translated tnto English. Victor Hugo
Robert Louis Stevenson, The Poetry Of: "I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Burns, The Poetry Of: "Suspicion is a heavy armor and with its weight it impedes more than it protects." Robert Burns
Christina Georgina Rossetti, The Poetry Of: "Better by far you should forget and smile, than that you should remember and be sad." Christina Georgina Rossetti
The Poetry Of D H Lawrence: "Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically." DH Lawrence