Harry Potter e a Criança Amaldiçoada, Partes Um e Dois (Edição Especial do Roteiro de Ensaio) J.K. Rowling4.5
The McKinnon The Beginning: Book 1 Parts 1 & 2 The McKinnon Legends (A Time Travel Series) Ranay James3.4
The Dreamy Kid: “I am so far from being a pessimist...on the contrary, in spite of my scars, I am tickled to death at life.” Eugene O'Neill
D H Lawrence - The Fight For Barbara: “It's not art for art's sake, it's art for my sake. ” D.H. Lawrence
D H Lawrence - The Merry-Go-Round: “I love trying things and discovering how I hate them.” D.H. Lawrence
The Acorn Planter: “A man with a club bat is a law-maker, a man to be obeyed, but not necessarily conciliated.” Jack London
D H Lawrence - The Married Man: “A woman unsatisfied must have luxuries. But a woman who loves a man would sleep on a board” D.H. Lawrence
D H Lawrence - The Widowing Of Mrs Holroyd: "I want to live my life so that my nights are not full of regrets." D.H. Lawrence
D H Lawrence - David: “Money poisons you when you've got it, and starves you when you haven't.” D.H. Lawrence
The First Man: "Drunken with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you will. But be drunken." Eugene O'Neill
D H Lawrence - The Daughter-In-Law: "Money is our madness, our vast collective madness." D.H. Lawrence
The Well Of The Saints: "I'm a good scholar when it comes to reading but a blotting kind of writer when you give me a pen." J.M. Synge
The King Of The Dark Chamber: "You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water." Rabindranath Tagore
Bound East For Cardiff: “Where the rainbows play in the flying spray, 'Mid the keen salt kiss of the waves.” Eugene O'Neill