1. Amigos do folclore brasileiro Jonas Ribeiro
  2. Helena Machado Assis
  3. The Return of the Contemporary: The Latin American Novel in the End Times Nicolás Campisi
  4. Zapantera Negra: An Artistic Encounter Between Black Panthers and Zapatistas Various authors
  5. The Olavo de Carvalho Reader Olavo de Carvalho
  6. Merida - The Delaplaine 2021 Long Weekend Guide Andrew Delaplaine
  7. Rosa & Rónai: O universo de Guimarães Rosa por Paulo Rónai, seu maior decifrador Paulo Rónai
  8. The Essential Cuban Cookbook: 50 Classic Recipes Patty Morrell-Ruiz
  9. Irma Brings Love: Surviving a category five hurricane Maureen A. Peters
  10. Tsunami: Women’s Voices from Mexico
  11. The Flaws in Our Teen: An Unfiltered Look at the Teenage Years Through Poetry Sasha Davis
  12. History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature (Vol. 1&2): Complete Edition Friedrich Bouterwek
  13. Grupo de Arte Callejero: Thought, Practice, and Actions Grupo de Arte Callejero
  14. Frommer's Virgin Islands Alexis Lipsitz Flippin
  15. Com Clarice Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna
  16. The Making of Haiti: The Saint Domingue Revolution from Below Carolyn E. Fick
  17. The Haitian Revolution, 1789–1804 Thomas O. Ott
  18. Tale of the Thunderbolt (1 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation] E.E. Knight
  19. Reef Smart Guides Barbados Otto Wagner
  20. Che Guevara – Revolutionary Icon and Guerrilla Fighter: The Life and Legacy of Latin America’s Most Controversial Revolutionary David Morris
  21. Reef Smart Guides Grand Cayman Otto Wagner
  22. From Our Land to Our Land: Essays, Journeys, and Imaginings from a Native Xicanx Writer Luis J. Rodriguez
  23. The Quebec Connection: A Poetics of Solidarity in Global Francophone Literatures Julie-Françoise Tolliver
  24. Espumas Flutuantes Castro Alves
  25. The Collapse of Venezuela: Scorched Earth Politics and Economic Decline, 2012–2020 Francisco Rodríguez
  26. The Art of the Maya: Ancient Civilization's Creative Legacy Haya Vent
  27. Black Beach Glynis Guevara
  28. O cinema de perto: prosa e poesia Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  29. Elegguas Kamau Brathwaite
  30. Antologia poética Marly de Oliveira
  31. Arawak Empire: The Seafarers and Early Inhabitants of the Caribbean Rolf Hedger
  32. Carib Civilization: The Warriors of the Caribbean and Their Fight Against Conquest Rolf Hedger
  33. Christ & Caribbean Cultures: A Collection of Essays on Caribbean Christology and It's Pastoral Implications Gabriel Malzaire
  34. West India Emancipation: Unveiling the Impact of Emancipation: A Critical Analysis by a Prominent Abolitionist Frederick Douglass
  35. Difficulties Between Mexico and Guatemala: Official Documents: Examining Border Disputes and Diplomatic Tensions in Latin America Various Authors
  36. Modern Jamaica: The History of the Caribbean Island from Christopher Columbus to Today Charles River Editors
  37. The Purple Land: The Adventures of Richard Lamb William Henry Hudson
  38. Rum Curious: The Indispensable Tasting Guide to the World's Spirit Fred Minnick
  39. The Marley Coffee Cookbook: One Love, Many Coffees, and 100 Recipes Rohan Marley
  40. Island on Fire: The Revolt That Ended Slavery in the British Empire Tom Zoellner
  41. ArteletrA: The Sixties in Latin America and the Politics of Going Unnoticed Jason A. Bartles
  42. Cocina típica cubana. Revelaciones de valiosos secretos Fernando Fornet
  43. The Dark Tide Andrew Gross
  44. A Simple Smile: A Poetic Memoir Dorothy Mahfood
  45. The Lost Pirate Republic: History of Piracy in the Caribbean & Biographies of the Most Notorious Pirates Daniel Defoe
  46. The History of the Lost Pirate Kingdom: History of Piracy in the Caribbean & Biographies of the Most Notorious Pirates: History of Piracy in the Caribbean & Biographies of the Most Notorious Pirates Captain Charles Johnson
  47. Sacral Grooves, Limbo Gateways: Travels in Deep Southern Time, Circum-Caribbean Space, Afro-creole Authority Keith Cartwright
  48. Borges's Poe: The Influence and Reinvention of Edgar Allan Poe in Spanish America Emron Esplin
  49. Daring to Write: Contemporary Narratives by Dominican Women
  50. Slavery, Childhood, and Abolition in Jamaica, 1788–1838 Colleen A. Vasconcellos