

  1. Salmos: Comentários Expositivos Hagnos Vol. 1 & 2 Hernandes Dias Lopes
  2. Kabbalah 365: Daily Fruit from the Tree of Life Gershon Winkler
  3. Playing in the Dust: A pilgrimage with the creation stories
  4. Fire and Song: God’s love song. Your love story. Carl Lehenbauer
  5. Authority and Dissent in Jewish Life
  6. Jews and Christians Together: An Invitation to Mutual Respect Gordon Fuller
  7. Abraham Joshua Heschel Today: Voices from Warsaw and Jerusalem Harold Kasimow
  8. In the Seat of Moses: An Introductory Guide to Early Rabbinic Legal Rhetoric and Literary Conventions Jack N. Lightstone
  9. The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch: The Watchers, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and the End of the World Harold Roth
  10. You Shall Be as Gods: A Radical Interpretation of the Old Testament and Its Tradition Erich Fromm
  11. Nehemiah: Restoring the Testimony of God Stephen Kaung
  12. The Divine Comedy of the First Jewish Messiah: Is the Story of David, Saul, Doeg Ahimelech Intentionally Funny? Antony Hylton
  13. Living Life Backward: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End David Gibson
  14. The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Truth Behind the Mystique Lawrence Schiffman
  15. The Hebrew Bible Lawrence Schiffman
  16. Judaism, Christianity and Islam: The Monotheists Frank Peters
  17. Halleluyah the Last Restoration?: Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav, Ruth Heflin and the Vision of Mount Zion Antony Hylton
  18. The Art of Happiness, Peace & Purpose: Manifesting Magic Complete Box Set Craig Beck
  20. The Ten Commandments: A Fresh Look at the Code of Conduct Set Forth in the Old Testament J. Michael Orenduff
  21. Restless: Audio Bible Studies: Because You Were Made for More Jennie Allen
  22. Kabbalah for Beginners: Understanding and Applying Kabbalistic History, Concepts, and Practices Brian Yosef Schachter-Brooks
  23. Proverbs 31 in 5 Minutes a Day: A Bible Study for Women Mari Hernandez-Tuten
  24. The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World Phillip J. Long
  25. Summary of Jordan B. Peterson’s We Who Wrestle with God IRB Media
  26. Jewish Way to a Good Life: Find Happiness, Build Community, and Embrace Lovingkindness Rabbi Shira Stutman
  27. Twelve Extraordinary Women: How God Shaped Women of the Bible, and What He Wants to Do with You John F. MacArthur
  28. Jesus on Every Page 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Chirst in the Old Testament: 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament David Murray
  29. Psychic Empath: A Guide to Developing Psychic Empath Abilities and Enhancing Your Life through Telepathy, Aura Reading, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Healing, and Self-Compassion Taylor G. Stevens
  30. Auschwitz and The Allies: A Devastating Account of How the Allies Responded to the News of Hitler's Mass Murder Martin Gilbert
  31. My Own People Anzia Yezierska
  32. How I Found America Anzia Yezierska
  33. Bread Givers Anzia Yezierska
  34. Hungry Hearts Anzia Yezierska
  35. Hunger Anzia Yezierska
  36. Jonah The Jewish Publication Society
  37. Life through God’s Word: An Introduction to Psalm 119 Christopher J. H. Wright
  38. Response to the Other: Jews and Christians in an Age of Paganism (The Greco-Roman World from 500 BCE–500 CE) Robert P. Vande Kappelle
  39. "The Fat of the Land" Anzia Yezierska
  40. O Rei ressuscitado: Morte e ressurreição do Messias Bible Pathway Adventures
  41. The Right Kind of Confident: The Remarkable Grit of a God-Fearing Woman Mary A. Kassian
  42. Antigo Testamento - NVT (Nova Versão Transformadora)
  43. Fundamentos da teologia bíblica Valtair Miranda
  44. Como pregar e ensinar com base no Antigo Testamento Christopher J. H. Wright
  45. Abraão: Um homem obediente e destemido Charles Swindoll
  46. Joshua: Historical Novel – A Story of Biblical Times Georg Ebers
  47. A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament: 2nd Edition Walter Brueggemann
  48. Devotion Through Poetry Otishia Emmens
  49. Did the Old Testament Endorse Slavery? Joshua Bowen
  50. The Ancient Scriptures and the Modern Jew: Exploring Ancient Wisdom in Modern Jewish Identity David Baron