Flying: Answers From Inside the Cockpit: Be Inspired By a Professional Pilot With Exciting Background Information About Air Travel! Hans-Georg Rabacher
Canadarm and Collaboration: How Canada’s Astronauts and Space Robots Explore New Worlds Elizabeth Howell
Os Limites da Aceitabilidade de Erros e Violações pelo Sistema de Investigação e Prevenção de Acidentes Aeronáuticos RÉGIS VINÍCIUS SILVA BARRETO
Aviation Accident Report: American Airlines Flight 20: Understanding the Investigation Process of Airline Disasters Civil Aeronautics Board
Aviation Accident Report: American Airlines Flight 320: In-depth analysis of Flight 320 tragedy and aviation safety standards Civil Aeronautics Board
Aviation Accident Report: Western Air Lines Flight 1: Investigating the Tragic Flight: Insights into Aviation Safety and Regulations Civil Aeronautics Board
SR-71: The Complete Illustrated History of the Blackbird, The World's Highest, Fastest Plane Richard H. Graham
Sharks of the Air: Willy Messerschmitt and How He Built the World's First Operational Jet Fighter James Neal Harvey5
Pegasus, the Heart of the Harrier: The History & Development of the World's First Operational Vertical Take-off & Landing Jet Engine Andrew Dow4
Pioneering Places of British Aviation: The Early Years of Powered Flight in the UK Bruce Hales-Dutton
Aviation Accident Report: Eastern Air Lines Flight 304: Insights into Airline Safety and Accident Investigation The Civil Aeronautics Board