
  1. Candy Experiments Loralee Leavitt
  2. Custo dos Laudos de Química Forense: análise de maconha, cocaína e crack e os efeitos da não emissão de laudos Luciano Souza Pereira
  3. Big Gin: The Rebirth of One of the World’s Oldest Spirits Emanuele Mensah
  4. Metal Complexes: Environmental and Biomedical Applications Rojalin Sahu
  5. Is That a Fact?: Frauds, Quacks, and the Real Science of Everyday Life Joe Schwarcz
  6. The History of Chemistry (Vol.1&2): Complete Edition Thomas Thomson
  7. NEET National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test Chemistry Class 11 + 12 Volume I + Volume II Priti Singhal
  8. Pickling Ripe and Green Olives Frederic T. Bioletti
  9. Monkeys, Myths, and Molecules: Separating Fact from Fiction in the Science of Everyday Life Joe Schwarcz
  10. Is That a Fact?: Frauds, Quacks, and the Real Science of Everyday Life Joe Schwarcz
  11. PMP PATH: Unlock Effortless Project Success with Expert Tips: "Transform your project management journey! Access engaging audio tips tailored for your PMP Path success!" Alden Crowe
  12. The Surface Treatments in Manufacturing Companies Jan Lilko
  13. Celebrating Nature by Faith: Studies in Reformation Theology in an Era of Global Emergency H. Paul Santmire
  14. Recent Advances in Analytical Techniques: Volume 4
  15. Chemical Science: Learn More about Chemistry and Biochemistry (2 in 1) Jeron Iris
  16. Physics: Uncovering the Laws That Govern the Universe (4 in 1) Jeron Iris
  17. Formulating high-performance coatings Martin Winkler
  18. Sustainable Chemistry in Action Gautami Devar
  19. Biofuels and Biodiesels: Renewable Energy Explained Radha Agarwal
  20. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern - Being a Brief Account of the Alchemistic Doctrines, and their Relations, to Mysticism on the One Hand, and to Recent Discoveries in Physical Science on the Other Hand: Together with Some Particulars Regarding the Lives and Teachings of the Most Noted Alchemists - With 16 Full-Page Illustrations H. Stanley Redgrove
  21. Brewing Alfred Chaston Chapman
  22. Green Adsorbents George Z. Kyzas
  23. A Kids' Guide to the Periodic Table: Everything You Need to Know about the Elements Edward P. Zovinka
  24. Big Chemistry Experiments for Little Kids: A First Science Book for Ages 3 to 5 Megan Olivia Hall
  25. Bacterial Nanocellulose for Papermaking and Packaging Pratima Bajpai
  26. The Handbook of Surface Treatment Processes Jan Lilko
  27. The Product and Facility Integration in Surface Treatment Lilko Jan
  28. Conciso Dicionário de Química e Bioquímica Sergio Paulo Severo de Souza Diniz
  29. Perhalopyridines: Synthesis and Synthetic Utility Alireza Poorfreidoni
  30. Fundamentals and Prospects of Catalysis
  31. Engineering of Chemical Products Radha Agarwal
  32. Chemical and Molecular Sciences Gautami Devar
  33. Fixação Biológica de Nitrogênio: características moleculares e simbióticas de bactérias nativas do Semiárido Brasileiro Marcos A. Moura Dias
  34. A Estranha Natureza Dos Núcleos Atômicos João Cláudio Coimbra Pacheco
  35. Bill Nye's Great Big World of Science Bill Nye
  36. The Shocking Truth about Everyday Products Zoey Fraisers
  37. The Periodic Table of Elements - Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals and Transition Metals | Children's Chemistry Book Baby Professor
  38. Metaverse Mastery: Navigating the Next Digital Frontier Shu Chen Hou
  39. Temática - Geografia - Cartografia Editora Planeta do Brasil
  40. Structural Engineering Basics Devesh Chauhan
  41. Concepções de Alunos do Terceiro Ano do Ensino Médio de uma Escola Pública do Estado do Piauí sobre a Radioatividade numa Abordagem Contextualizada e Interdisciplinar Ezequiel da Cruz Lima
  42. PLC Programming & Implementation: An Introduction to PLC Programming Methods and Applications Ojula Technology Innovations
  43. Blacksmith's Manual Illustrated J. W. Lillico
  44. A importância do selênio para a agropecuária e saúde humana Carlos André Prauchner
  45. 73 Cool Science Tricks to Wow Your Friends! Anna Claybourne
  46. Meltdown: Nuclear disaster and the human cost of going critical Joel Levy
  47. Pain: The Science of the Feeling Brain Abdul-Ghaaliq Lalkhen
  48. Applications of NMR Spectroscopy: Volume 3 Various authors
  49. Ask the Experts: Chemistry Scientific American
  50. Evolution of the Thermometer: Tracing the Scientific Evolution of Temperature Measurement Henry Carrington Bolton