Early American Histories livros em ordem

  1. Matoaka, Pocahontas, Rebecca: Her Atlantic Identities and Afterlives Kathryn N. Gray
  2. To Organize the Sovereign People: Political Mobilization in Revolutionary Pennsylvania David W. Houpt
  3. Plain Paths and Dividing Lines: Navigating Native Land and Water in the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake Jessica Lauren Taylor
  4. The Travels of Richard Traunter: Two Journeys through the Native Southeast in 1698 and 1699 Richard Traunter
  5. Making the Early Modern Metropolis: Culture and Power in Pre-Revolutionary Philadelphia Daniel P. Johnson
  6. The Permanent Resident: Excavations and Explorations of George Washington's Life Philip Levy
  7. From Independence to the U.S. Constitution: Reconsidering the Critical Period of American History
  8. Washington's Government: Charting the Origins of the Federal Administration
  9. The Natural, Moral, and Political History of Jamaica, and the Territories thereon Depending: From the First Discovery of the Island by Christopher Columbus to the Year 1746 James Knight
  10. Statute Law in Colonial Virginia: Governors, Assemblymen, and the Revisals That Forged the Old Dominion Warren M. Billings
  11. Against Popery: Britain, Empire, and Anti-Catholicism
  12. Conceived in Crisis: The Revolutionary Creation of an American State Christopher R. Pearl
  13. Redemption from Tyranny: Herman Husband's American Revolution Bruce E. Stewart
  14. Experiencing Empire: Power, People, and Revolution in Early America
  15. "Esteemed Bookes of Lawe" and the Legal Culture of Early Virginia
  16. Citizens of Convenience: The Imperial Origins of American Nationhood on the U.S.-Canadian Border Lawrence B. A. Hatter
  17. Loyal Protestants and Dangerous Papists: Maryland and the Politics of Religion in the English Atlantic, 1630-1690 Antoinette Sutto

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