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Cara Miller
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Audiolivros narrados por Cara Miller
Art Since 1900: Modern and Contemporary Art
Haya Vent
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History with Focus on Diverse Cultures
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Expressionism: The Emotional and Psychological Impact of Art
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Contemporary Art: 1980 to Now: The Evolution of Art in the Modern Era
Haya Vent
Gothic Art: The Evolution and Influence of Gothic Aesthetics
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Art Through the Ages: A Comprehensive Survey of Art from Ancient to Modern
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Art Nouveau: The Aesthetic Movement of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
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Dada: Art and Anti-Art: The Radical Movement That Challenged Conventions
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Cubism: A History: The Development and Influence of Cubist Art
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Abstract Expressionism: The Rise of Non-Representational Art
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Impressionism: Art, Leisure, and Parisian Society: The Revolution in Art and Society
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Surrealism: The Dream of the Real
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Post-Impressionism: Exploring the Divergence from Impressionism
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Neo-Classicism: The Revival of Classical Art Forms
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Symbolism: The Art of Hidden Meanings and Mysticism
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Modern Art from 1851 to 1929: A Definitive Guide to Modern Artistic Movements
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Rococo Art: Elegance and Ornamental Style in 18th Century France
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The Art of Ancient Egypt: Understanding the Legacy of an Ancient Civilization
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The Art of the Ancient Americas: From the Olmecs to the Incas
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The Art of China: A Journey through the Millennia
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The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to the Present
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The Art of Japan: Traditional and Modern Perspectives
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The Art of India: From Ancient Times to the Present
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The Art of Ancient Rome: From Republic to Empire
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The Art of the Enlightenment: Exploring the Age of Reason and Artistic Innovation
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The Art of the Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural and Artistic Explosion
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The Art of the Ancient Near East: Early Civilizations and Their Art
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The Art of the Byzantine Empire: Spiritual and Artistic Achievements
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The Art of the Italian Renaissance: Masterpieces from a Transformative Era
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The Art of the Maya: Ancient Civilization's Creative Legacy
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The Arts of Africa: Traditional and Contemporary Perspectives
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The Art of the Northern Renaissance: A Study of the Art from the Low Countries and Germany
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The Art of the Middle Ages: A Survey - From the Fall of Rome to the Renaissance
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The Art of Warhol: Pop Art and the Legacy of Andy Warhol
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The Art of the Russian Avant-Garde: Revolutionary Changes in Russian Art
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