Entre em um mundo infinito de histórias
"The Magic Umbrella" is an enchanting children’s adventure that takes readers on a whirlwind journey around the globe! When young Artem stumbles upon an old umbrella in his attic, he discovers it holds a magical secret—it can transport him to far-off countries. From the romantic canals of Italy to the golden sands of Egypt, the vibrant streets of India, and the snowy wilderness of Norway, Artem experiences the wonders of the world while making new friends and learning valuable lessons.
Perfect for young explorers and dreamers, this book blends cultural discovery with heartwarming tales of friendship and courage. Each chapter invites readers to immerse themselves in a new setting, sparking curiosity and imagination.
Whether read aloud or enjoyed independently, "The Magic Umbrella" is sure to inspire young readers to dream big and embrace adventure!
© 2024 Maksym Levchenka (Audiolivros): 9798347799152
Data de lançamento
Audiolivros: 17 de dezembro de 2024