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Overcoming Anxiety in Children & Teens



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  4. Face Your Fears: A Proven Plan to Beat Anxiety, Panic, Phobias, and Obsessions David Tolin
  5. EL-Method: Overcoming shyness, fear of public speaking, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, excessive facial blushing and any other social anxiety disorder. Tony Gaschler
  6. Social Anxiety Solution and Power of Mindfulness: 2-in-1 Book Discover How to Reduce Stress and Clear Your Mind. An Introduction to Meditation and Become Stress Free Forever (Made Easy for Beginners) Emma Walls
  7. Social Confidence: Simple Strategies To Overcome Social Anxiety And Be Able To Talk To Anyone Kelly Hessels
  8. The CBT Toolkit for retraining your brain: Strategies & techniques on mental health, trauma focused PTSD, eating disorders, insomnia, anxiety and depression, stress management and relationships Gertrude Swanson
  9. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Beginners Guide to CBT with Simple Techniques for Retraining the Brain to Defeat Anxiety, Depression, and Low-Self Esteem Travis Wells
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