18 Maneiras De Ser Uma Pessoa Mais Interessante Tom Hope
Entre em um mundo infinito de histórias
Dalam beberapa riwayat disebutkan bahwa, salah seorang Nabi Allah SWT saat melintasi jalan, dia melihat batu kecil yang banyak mengeluarkan air. Dia pun heran dan berdoa memohon kepada Allah SWT Tuhan Semesta Alam agar ia mampu berbicara dengan sang batu kecil itu.
In some narrations it is mentioned that, one of the Prophets of Allah SWT while crossing the road, he saw a small stone that released a lot of water. He was astonished and prayed to Allah SWT, the Lord of the Universe, that he would be able to talk to the small stone.
© 2024 Jannah Firdaus Mediapro Studio (Ebook): 9786029743524
Data de lançamento
Ebook: 25 de setembro de 2024