Изкуствен интелект

  1. Демоните на приличното Росица Трифонова
  2. Невромантик Уилям Гибсън
  3. Колко изкара ChatGPT на матура? Георги Караманев
  4. Annie Bot Sierra Greer
  5. How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain Peter S. Goodman
  6. Generative AI: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review
  7. Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals Eric Shaw
  8. Mastering Prompt Engineering (AI): From Beginner to Expert AVH
  9. AI for beginners: Begin your AI developer journey in 2024 Et Tu Code
  10. Human Universe Professor Brian Cox
  11. Neksus Yuval Noah Harari
  12. Cracking the Data Code: Pragmatics for Better Management and Governance Richard C. Robinson
  13. A Joosr Guide to… The Rise of the Robots by Martin Ford: Technology and the Threat of Mass Unemployment Joosr
  14. Inteligencia artificial y humanismo tecnológico. Alfredo Marcos
  15. Artificial Intelligence Richard Urwin
  16. Random Acts of Automation: How to Fight Back When Automation Threatens Your Work, Your Life, and Everything You Do Craig LeClair
  17. The New Empire of AI: The Future of Global Inequality Rachel Adams
  18. The Creation of a Conscious Machine: The AI Quest: Building Awareness with Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technologies Jean E. Tardy
  19. AI Horizons: Shaping a Better Future Through Responsible Innovation and Human Collaboration Enamul Haque
  20. Talking Machines: The Rise of Chatbots and Virtual Assistants Logan D. Hayes
  21. The AI-Driven Classroom: Revolutionizing Education Jasper L. Ethridge
  22. The 30-Day Carnivore Boot Camp: A Beginner’s Guide to Successfully Doing an All-Meat Lifestyle Jacie Gregory
  23. Triple Tide: Three genders, a climate-torn planet — and salvation is slipping away. Foolona Hill
  24. Inevitable: Distributed Cognition & Network Superintelligence T. Dylan Daniel
  25. Navigating Tomorrow: A Journey into the World of Autonomous Vehicles Chuck Sherman
  26. IA 2041: Resumen y Análisis Chen Qiufan
  27. La ola que se avecina: Resumen y Análisis Mustafa Suleyman
  28. Creadores de genios: Resumen y Análisis Cade Metz
  29. Generative AI for Beginners: Understanding Artificial Intelligence.: Unlocking the Matrix with GPT-4, LLMs, Deep Neural Networks, and Practical Machine Learning Alex Quant
  30. Artificial Intelligence: A Multidisciplinary Approach towards Teaching and Learning
  31. AI-Powered Decision Making Shawn Carter
  32. The Smart City: How AI is Shaping the Future of Urban Life Emily M. Foster
  33. Beyond Tomorrow: The Future of AI and Humanity Riley S. Ashton
  34. Automate to Dominate: AI for the Mid-Market Kendall M. Foster
  35. The Invisible Hand of AI: Algorithms Behind Our Social Media Alexis Ellis
  36. Game Changer: How AI is Transforming Sports Max P. Donovan
  37. Applied Deep Learning on Graphs: Leverage graph data for business applications using specialized deep learning architectures Lakshya Khandelwal
  38. Superpotencias de la inteligencia artificial: China, Silicon Valley y el nuevo orden mundial Kai-Fu Lee
  39. Artificial Intelligence For Dummies, 3rd Edition Luca Massaron
  40. Prompting: Poetiche e politiche dell'intelligenza artificiale Niccolò Monti
  41. Ipnocrazia: Trump, Musk e la nuova architettura della realtà Jianwei Xun
  42. Insight Engine: Harnessing the Power of Data Science: Unlocking Predictive Analytics and Business Intelligence Zoe Thompson
  43. Machine Learning Made Simple: A Practical Introduction: Building Intelligent Algorithms from Scratch Daniel Lee
  44. Destructive Artificial Intelligence: How Technology Can Be a Double-Edged Sword Marcus Kline
  45. Más Allá de los Algoritmos: Ética en la Inteligencia Artificial: Navegando los Dilemas Morales de la Era Digital Diego Sonvico
  46. Persuasion IQ: The 10 Skills You Need to Get Exactly What You Want Kurt Mortensen
  47. Quantum Computing Impact: Unleashing the Power of Data for the Future Chuck Sherman
  48. Máquinas predictivas: La sencilla economía de la inteligencia artificial Joshua Gans
  49. Feature Engineering for Beginners: Feature Engineering for Beginners Chuck Sherman
  50. AI Agents: The Invisible Workforce of the Future Lucas D. Prescott