Богат татко, беден татко: Актуализиран за съвременния свят и с 9 нови обучителни раздела Робърт Кийосаки4.4
Как да създадеш екип за милиони: Цялостна стратегия за привличане, задържане и мотивация Димитър Калайджиев4.5
Вашите слаби места: Кой сте вие? Как описвате себе си? Кое ви пречи да живеете щастливо и пълноценно? Уейн Дайър4.7
Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking is the Beginning and End of Suffering Joseph Nguyen3
Meditation for Weight Loss: Powerful Affirmations, Guided Meditations, and Hypnosis for Women Who Want to Burn Fat: Increase Your Self Confidence & Self Esteem, Motivation, and Heal Your Soul & Body! Harmony Academy
Social Skills & Self-Improvement Challenge: How to Improve Your People Skills, Talk to Anyone, Increase Confidence and Become a Better Version of Yourself Within 45 Days A.V. Mendez4.3
The Self-Serving Bias: How We Attribute Success to Ourselves and Failures to External Factors William Rands
Super Synchronicity - Enter the Frequency of Lucky Chances: The Secret Ingredient for Successful & Rapid Manifestation Susanne Kos