1. My Dark Vanessa: A Novel Kate Elizabeth Russell
  2. The Tragedy of Heterosexuality Jane Ward
  3. How to Master Your Inner Superman Kenneth Rogers Jr.
  4. TERAPIA SOMÁTICA PARA MUJERES VIOLADAS: Prácticas de Sanación para Sobrevivientes de Agresión Sexual Ashley Fitzgerald
  5. I predatori (tra noi): Soldi, droga, stupri: la deriva barbarica degli italiani Gianluigi Nuzzi
  6. Porn killer: The true crime story Brian Harris
  7. Found: Triumph Over Fear With Grace and Gratitude: The Michelle Corrao Story Emily Sutherland
  8. The Metoo Movement: Fighting Sexual Harassment and Empowering Women Worldwide Fredrich Hazelton
  9. In the Shadow of Enlightenment: A Girl's Journey through the Osho Rajneesh Cult Sarito Carroll
  10. The Monster of Harrods: Al-Fayed and the secret, shameful history of a British institution Alison Kervin
  11. The Return Trip: A Memoir Maya Golden
  12. Evil at Our Table Samantha Stein
  13. Solidarity Betrayed: How Unions Enable Sexual Harassment - And How They Can Do Better Ana Avendaño
  14. Human Trafficking: Modern-Day Slavery, Sex Trafficking, and Child Prostitution in the Global Economy Marcus Kline
  15. Our Guys: The Glen Ridge Rape and the Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb Bernard Lefkowitz
  16. The Silence Katerina Diamond
  17. The Van Life Nightmare: The Tragic Story of Gabby Petito’s Final Journey Dorian Ashveil
  18. The Gabby Petito Case: The Investigation, the Media Frenzy, and the Search for Justice Pat Breese
  19. Stupri sacri: Le storie di Gloria, Miriam, Samuelle e di tante altre suore che si sono ribellate agli abusi dentro la Chiesa Laura Sgrò
  20. Slow Sex: Enjoying Your Intimate Moments - Art of Slowing Things Down, Mesmerize With Prolonged Passion and Get Reacquainted Xenia Watson
  21. Beyond Suspicion: Russell Williams: A Canadian Serial Killer Alan R Warren
  22. Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story Julie K. Brown
  23. Technology and Work: Revealing the Impact of Technology and Workplace Dynamics (4 in 1) Zoey Fraisers
  24. Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal Michael D'Antonio
  25. Brothers in Blood: The True Account of the Georgia Massacre Clark Howard
  26. Breaking the Silence Habit: A Practical Guide to Uncomfortable Conversations in the #MeToo Workplace Sarah Beaulieu
  27. The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon: Unveiling Victorian London's Dark Underbelly: A Call to Social Reform William Thomas Stead
  28. #ChurchToo: How Purity Culture Upholds Abuse and How to Find Healing Emily Joy Allison
  29. Relaciones emocionalmente sanas: Aprende a no Caer o Recuperarte del Ciclo de la Codependencia y Evitar el Abuso Psicológico de las Personas Tóxicas o Narcisistas. Incluye dos Libros-Abuso y Poder en una Relación y Dependencia Emocional Cecil Castellano
  30. To Kill or Be Killed: A True Crime Memoir from Prison Joni Ankerson
  31. National Relations: Public diplomacy, national identity and the Swedish Institute 1945-1970 Nikolas Glover
  32. Building Peace, Creating Conflict: Conflictual Dimensions of Local and International Peacebuilding
  33. War and peace in transition : changing roles of external actors
  34. Tracking Discourses: Politics, Identity and Social Change
  35. Situating child consumption : rethinking values and notions of children, childhood and consumption
  36. Political Change and the Rise of Labour in Comparative Perspective: Britain and Sweden 1890-1920 Mary Hilson
  37. In tension between organization and profession : professionals in Nordic public service
  38. Cultural transformations after communism : Central and Eastern Europe in focus
  39. Divided Cities: Governing Diversity
  40. Urban Squares : spatio-temporal studies of design and everyday life in the Öresund region
  41. A clean house?: Studies of corruption in Sweden Gissur Ó Erlingsson
  42. Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story Julie K. Brown
  43. Sex Cult Nun Faith Jones
  44. Summary and Analysis of Missoula: Based on the Book by Jon Krakauer Worth Books
  45. How Serial Rapists Target Their Victims Linda Fairstein
  46. Wasted: Inside the Robert Chambers–Jennifer Levin Murder Linda Wolfe
  47. Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape Susan Brownmiller
  48. Killer Charm: And Other True Cases Linda Fairstein
  49. The Rape Scandal that Puts You at Risk Linda Fairstein
  50. The Five Most Dangerous Places for Women Linda Fairstein