
  1. Петото споразумение Дон Мигел Руис
  2. How to Talk to Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere: 3 Steps to Make Instant Connections Chris Widener
  3. Изкуството да водим разговор Лейл Лоундз
  4. Как да общуваме на работното място Лейл Лоундз
  5. Просто слушай Марк Гоулстон
  6. Кой си ти? Лиз Бурбо
  7. How to Talk to Anyone: Learn The Secrets of Good Communication And The Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships Adam Brown
  8. Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert B. Cialdini
  9. Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism Amanda Montell
  10. Improve Your Social Skills: Boost Your Confidence, Improve Assertive Communication Skills, and Develop Everyday Habits to Read, Influence and Win People Richard Hawkins
  11. Да говориш с „полудели“ Марк Гоулстон
  12. Disentangling from Emotionally Immature People: Avoid Emotional Traps, Stand Up for Your Self, and Transform Your Relationships as an Adult Child of Emotionally Immature Parents Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD
  13. Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each in Business (and in Life) (The Surrounded by Idiots Series) by Thomas Erikson: Key Takeaways, Summary & Analysis American Classics
  14. How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds or Less Nicholas Boothman
  15. The Art of Communicating Thich Nhat Hanh
  16. How to Improve English Speaking: How to Become a Confident and Fluent English Speaker Marvin L Wiese
  17. Quiet Impact - A Creative Introvert's Guide to the Art of Getting Noticed Drew Kimble
  18. Hide and Seek: The Sacred Art of Indirect Communication Benson P. Fraser
  19. Canon sin fronteras: Estudios críticos sobre géneros populares
  20. Contar: Visualizaciones con datos Camilo Ernesto Martínez Eraso
  21. Beyond Privacy: People, Practices, Politics
  22. The Long-Distance Teammate: Stay Engaged and Connected While Working Anywhere Kevin Eikenberry
  23. The Science of Reading Body Language: Read Between the Lines: Understanding Physical Communication Nathaniel Hart
  24. Communication Matters II: That's Not What I Meant!: The Sociolinguistics of Everyday Conversation Deborah Tannen
  25. Communication Matters I: He Said / She Said: Women, Men and Language Deborah Tannen
  26. The Secrets of Successful Selling Habits Zig Ziglar
  27. Come diventare un comunicatore eccezionale Dale Carnegie
  28. Desinformación y poder: Alquimias de la persuasión Raúl Rodríguez Ferrándiz
  29. La forma más sencilla de analizar a las personas: Aprende a leer a las personas, entender su lenguaje corporal y descubre lo que siempre te perdiste en las conversaciones Leticia Caballero
  30. Truth and Lies: What People Are Really Thinking Mark Bowden
  31. La era del enfrentamiento: Del storytelling a la ausencia del relato Christian Salmon
  32. American Sign Language Made Easy for Beginners: A Visual Guide with ASL Signs, Lessons, and Quizzes Travis Belmontes-Merrell
  33. La prodigiosa trama: Variaciones en clave de red Sonia Abadi
  34. Narrativa(s) en ficción televisiva y cinematográfica Sergio Cobos-Durán
  35. Mejor sin objetivos Enric Lladó
  36. Mostrar para decir: La imagen en contexto Jordi Pericot
  37. El discurso persuasivo: La estructura retórica de los spots electorales en televisión Arantxa Capdevila Gómez
  38. Retórica creativa: Programas de ideación publicitaria Francesc Xavier Ruiz Collantes
  39. La situación de la televisión local en España Francisco López Cantos
  40. La comunicación y sus cambios: De los orígenes al móvil Miquel de Moragas Spa
  41. DirCom, estratega de la complejidad: Nuevos paradigmas para la Dirección de la Comunicación AAVV
  42. Teorías de la comunicación: Ámbitos, métodos y perspectivas Miquel Rodrigo Alsina
  43. The Evolution of Political Rhetoric: The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, Volume 6
  44. The Art of Asking Better Questions: Pursuing Stronger Relationships, Healthier Leadership, and Deeper Faith J.R. Briggs
  45. The Smart Business Man Collection-millionaire Mindset and Body Language: Finally Combine the power of the millionaire mindset and success habits with the super power of detecting lies and communicating without saying a word through body language Alan Conor
  46. Las herramientas comunicativas. Una guía para cultivar habilidades expresivas J. Daniel Mendoza Estrada
  47. Çocuklarımızla İtişmeyelim İletişelim Hatice Kübra Tongar
  48. Listen: How to Find the Words for Tender Conversations Kathryn Mannix
  49. Энергия клиента: Как окупается человеческий подход в бизнесе Евгений Щепин
  50. От Эминема до Билла Гейтса: Искусство общения и выстраивания связей Брайан Грейзер