

  1. Лисица Мартин Светославов - Мъци
  2. Los reyes de la casa Delphine de Vigan
  3. Успешен онлайн маркетинг с 65 примера от практиката Жюстин Томс
  4. JavaScript: Best Practices to Programming Code with JavaScript Charlie Masterson
  5. Building Websites Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Blueprint for Web Mastery Will Castle
  6. Web Applications with ASP.NET Core Blazor: Create Powerful, Responsive, and Engaging Web Applications Brian Ding
  7. Scalable Application Development with NestJS: Leverage REST, GraphQL, microservices, testing, and deployment for seamless growth Pacifique Linjanja
  8. Mastering Test-Driven Development with React Ravi Gupta
  9. Mastering SEO Strategies for the Modern Web Michael Van Den Reym
  10. Excel Custom Functions Straight to the Point: Creating Dynamic Excel Custom Functions with JavaScript and Web Services Suat M Ozgur
  11. Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon Bill Carr
  12. ASP.NET Core 9.0 Essentials: Explore the .NET Core web stack, including Razor Pages, Blazor, and MVC, to build cloud-ready apps Albert S. Tanure
  13. Dark Web Sara Magnoli
  14. Real-World Web Development with .NET 9: Build websites and services using mature and proven ASP.NET Core MVC, Web API, and Umbraco CMS Mark J. Price
  15. Get Your Life Back: Audio Bible Studies: Everyday Practices for a World Gone Mad John Eldredge
  16. The Threshold: Leading in the Age of AI Nick Chatrath
  17. The Resistance: Digital dissent in the age of machines The Washington Post
  18. The Threatened Net: How the Web Became a Perilous Place Craig Timberg
  19. React Key Concepts: An in-depth guide to React's core features Maximilian Schwarzmüller
  20. Learning Angular: A practical guide to building web applications with modern Angular Aristeidis Bampakos
  21. Software Project Management: Measures for Improving Performance Robert Bruce Kelsey
  22. Mensajes ocultos Luis A. Santamaría
  23. Is This Wi-Fi Organic?: A Guide to Spotting Misleading Science Online Dave Farina
  24. Svelte 3 Up and Running: A fast-paced introductory guide to building high-performance web applications with SvelteJS Alessandro Segala
  25. JavaScript Coding for Teens: A Beginner's Guide to Developing Websites and Games Andrew Yueh
  26. TypeScript 5 Design Patterns and Best Practices: Build clean and scalable apps with proven patterns and expert insights Theofanis Despoudis
  27. Java and Data Structures: Code Your Future: A Comprehensive Exploration of Java Programming Anthony Carter
  28. Cyber Hacking: Wars in Virtual Space Scientific American
  29. Business Models for the Social Mobile Cloud: Transform Your Business Using Social Media, Mobile Internet, and Cloud Computing Ted Shelton
  30. Making Websites Win: The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Traffic to Your Website, Learn About Content Marketing SEO and Other Effective Marketing Techniques to Ensure Traffic For Your Website Nick Canley
  31. The Imago Stage Karoline Georges
  32. From Startup to Exit: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Scaling Your Tech Business Shirish Nadkarni
  33. Разкаянието Дан Малакин
  34. eLearning - Virtual Independent Learning: incl. Bonus – Digital memory training, self-motivation, goal achievement, anti-stress concept, mindfulness, advanced online formatio, further education Simone Janson
  35. Cybercrime and the Darknet: Revealing the hidden underworld of the internet Cath Senker
  36. Unofficial Minecraft Lab for Kids: Family-Friendly Projects for Exploring and Teaching Math, Science, History, and Culture Through Creative Building John Miller
  37. Hashtag Authentic: Finding creativity and building a community on Instagram and beyond Sara Tasker
  38. Future Humans Tom Jackson
  39. Future Humans Tom Jackson
  40. Man vs Big Data: Everyday data explained Stewart Cowley
  41. Kids, Sex & Screens: Raising Strong, Resilient Children in the Sexualized Digital Age Jillian Roberts
  42. Millennial Love Olivia Petter
  43. You're On Mute: 101 Tips to Add Zip to your Zoom Jo Hoare
  44. Bombarded: How to Fight Back Against the Online Assault on Democracy Cyrus Krohn
  45. 2. Il branco Gabriele Cruciata
  46. 3. Il lupo in casa Gabriele Cruciata
  47. 1. La tana del lupo Gabriele Cruciata
  48. 4. Il diario Gabriele Cruciata
  49. Candy Hearts Tommy Siegel
  50. Beyond the Valley: How Innovators around the World Are Overcoming Inequality and Creating the Technologies of Tomorrow Ramesh Srinivasan