1. Summary of On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder: Key Takeaways, Summary & Analysis Included Brooks Bryant
  2. Commons, Citizenship and Power: Reclaiming the Margins
  3. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Joseph A. Schumpeter
  4. La distancia del presente: Auge y crisis de la democracia española (2010-2020) Daniel Bernabé
  5. The People and the Ballot: A History of American Party Politics Joshua Kaplan
  6. La democracia es posible: Sorteo cívico y deliberación para rescatar el poder de la ciudadanía Ernesto Ganuza
  7. Anarchism: The Basics: An Introduction to the Philosophy and Principles of Anarchy Arlo Holders
  8. Anarchism and Society: How Anarchism Proposes to Organize a Stateless Society Arlo Holders
  9. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy: Exploring the Evolution of Economic Systems and the Future of Democracy Joseph A. Schumpeter
  10. Beating Back the Assault on Knowledge: Why It Matters More Than Ever: "Supercharge your knowledge journey! Dive into powerful audio lessons that empower your learning experience like never before." Caspian Aldridge
  11. Democratic Socialism Defined: Balancing Democracy and Social Welfare in Modern Societies Arlo Holders
  12. Populism and Democracy: How Populist Movements Challenge Established Political Norms Arlo Holders
  13. Markets and Democracy: Exiting the Tyranny of the Majority Björn Wahlroos
  14. The Impact of Populism: How Populist Policies Affect Global and National Governance Arlo Holders
  15. Republicanism Explained: The Principles of Republican Government and Its Variants Arlo Holders
  16. Populism Vs. Liberalism: A Comparative Analysis of Political Ideologies Arlo Holders
  17. Conocimiento expropiado: Epistemología política en una democracia radical Fernando Broncano
  18. The Anarchist Movement: A historical Overview of Anarchist Theory and Practice Arlo Holders
  19. Balance temprano: Desde la izquierda democrática Autores Varios
  20. Political Philosophy: Ideas and Foundations of Governance Hector Davidson
  21. The Populist Wave: Understanding the Rise of Populism in Modern Politics Arlo Holders
  22. The Neoliberal Revolution: How Neoliberalism Transformed Global Economies Arlo Holders
  23. The Populist Playbook: Strategies and Tactics Used by Populist Leaders Arlo Holders
  24. Tomás Tirano Sátrapa, El Arte Del Saqueo Nacional Raul Armesto Ruiz
  25. Protests & Social Movements: Voices of Change and the Fight for Rights (4 in 1) Fredrich Hazelton
  26. Conducir al capital: Estado o mercado, una falsa dicotomía Delfina Rossi
  27. Indian Democracy: Origins, Trajectories, Contestations
  28. A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy Richard L. Hasen
  29. Democracy in Action: Collective Problem Solving in Citizens' Governance Spaces Albert W. Dzur
  30. Ideologies and Political Systems: Exploring Core Political Theories and Structures (4 in 1) Arlo Holders
  31. Communism and Socialism: The Development and Practice of Socialist Ideas (4 in 1) Arlo Holders
  32. Populism and Democracy: Examining the Intersection of Populism and Democratic Systems (3 in 1) Arlo Holders
  33. La posdemocracia: Las transformaciones en la política mexicana Pablo Vargas González
  34. La participación ciudadana en la Ciudad de México José Javier de la Rosa Rodríguez
  35. Social Movements and Resistance: Movements for Social Change and Political Freedom (3 in 1) Arlo Holders
  36. Libertarianism and Its Practices: Exploring Libertarian Policies and Their Real-World Application (2 in 1) Arlo Holders
  37. Revolutionary Movements and Their Outcomes: The Rise and Fall of Revolutionary Ideals (4 in 1) Arlo Holders
  38. Con i se e con i ma: Fare politica ai tempi dell'antipolitica Paolo Giaretta
  39. Micro Democracy: The Democracy Revolution of the Information Era: The Democracy Revolution of the Information Era. Aaron Ran
  40. Firepower: How the NRA Turned Gun Owners into a Political Force Matthew J. Lacombe
  41. Pathways Karin Hilmer Pedersen
  42. 100 citazioni di Alexis il Tocqueville Alexis de Tocqueville
  43. The Phantom Public Walter Lippmann
  44. La democracia en la neblina Ernesto Ottone
  45. A Preface to Politics Walter Lippmann
  46. Liberty and the News Walter Lippmann
  47. Amerika'da Demokrasi Alexis de Tocgueville
  48. Citizenship in a Republic: Empowering citizens to shape their democratic future through civic engagement and active participation Theodore Roosevelt
  49. Against Repealing the Triennial Act: Preserving Democracy: The Fight for Accountability and Representation Archibald Hutcheson
  50. Mr J. S. Mill on Personal Representation: Exploring Representation in Political Systems John Stuart Mill