1. St Augustine: Philosophy in an Hour Paul Strathern
  2. Socrates: Philosophy in an Hour Paul Strathern
  3. Crito Plato
  4. Plato: Philosophy in an Hour Paul Strathern
  5. Political Philosophy: An audio course on Western Political Theory Grahame Lock
  6. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius
  7. The Philosophy of History: Complete Edition (Vol. 1&2) Friedrich von Schlegel
  8. La banda de los tres. Sócrates, Platón y Aristóteles: Modificaron su mundo, definieron el nuestro Neel Burton
  9. Il Principe Niccolò Machiavelli
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  12. Deaths of Famous Philosophers: An Imaginative History of Ancient Greek Philosophy David Roochnik
  13. The Choices We Make: Philosophy in Everyday Decisions Henry J. Howes
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  32. From Aristotle to Christ: How Aristotelian Thought Clarified the Christian Faith Louis Markos
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